
I really want to post something new on here, but what with final exams coming up and culminatings and whatnot, I haven't been able to find the time... And applying to university and whatnot is very time consuming. Grade 12 is hard. Hard to find time to do things, I mean. The work isn't all that bad hahaha

But in any case, for an assignment for my writer's craft, I got 100% on a short story that I could have put infinite amounts more effort into, one that I wrote almost entirely the night before it was due. And I had an extension. Didn't even have it done for the original date. Didn't even have it done for the peer edit date. I said I wouldn't be surprised if I had THIS written on every page of it, but doing really well on it was a nice surprise instead. 

I suppose having some inspiration or a muse is helpful, because I was thinking of how I would play the story out via my otp LOL the original idea I had for the story was a fanfic plot line that I jotted down one day, so it was almost like I was writing fanfiction for my class???? I really want to expand the story though and make it into something I'm really proud of, and post it up on here. It was a pretty neat idea, if I do say so myself. 'Twas my second time taking a stab at writing something sci-fi/post-apocalyptic, and I'm glad it at least kind of turned out. I figure if I take the time to lengthen the timeline of the story (the original storyline took place over around six months, but the one I wrote for the class I had to cram the timeline down into a week) then it'll be a whole lot better, with more character development and plot development and suspense and all that good stuff. 

Gah, I just want to talk about the plot, but I don't want to say too much about it either... Not that anyone really reads these anyway, but I have a fear that people are going to steal my ideas, since I generate some interesting ones sometimes. 



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