1st Blog Posteu~! Attempting fic writing

Wow, am I going to regret that title or what? haha.

I'm attempting to write some Eunsub, but the last time I tried to write a fic was some years ago for a not kpop fandom. I only got through 3 and a half notebook pages and the last time I tried to read it over I wanted to throw-up over how cliche and awful it was.

So, even though I want to write a multi-chapter fic, I'm trying to write drabbles/one-shots instead. The only kpop fics I read are SHINee (mostly Onkey ㅋㅋㅋ) and BTOB. My experience in this is minimal. ><

I just love Eunsub so much, but I've only seen two fics with them. One on here, one on a different site. Point me to Eunsub fics if you know of any! I didn't even mean to be so into Eunsub, but I sent a confession to that one cube confessions tumblr a while ago, and from there was led to the fic with Eunsub on this site, and since I started reading that I've been wanting to write my own since there are so few Eunsub writers. I think I've been a fan of Eunsub since I saw that video on youtube of them at that Music Academy place much before their debut and trainee days under CUBE and I found out that they've known each other the longest of the members.

When did this turn into an Eunsub blog post rather than a what I'm planning on doing blog post?


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