Everyone has secrets?

Everyone has secrets right?

Well people are forcing me to tell them and i don't cause the only person that knows is me and Mari...

I feel like i can't trust anyone right now.

They are annoying me.

What can i tell them to leave me alone?


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You don't have to tell anyone anything if you don't want to 0.0 Just tell them politely that they are things you'd rather not tell
Don't tell them, it's none of their business.
Just don't tell them
yolochinchins #4
Lie? I don't know, its your secret and you have the right to keep it to yourself.
Say:" fine I'll tell you but I don't know if it's true or not"
Walk away
Ignore them
Just think about other things
Listen to my other buddy taeil_eel, tell them that you don't wanna tell them. Speaking of which, how's Zooey? xD
*shrugs* just don't tell them.
You never have to reveal anything you don't want to.
And I hope you still trust me. I'm always here for you guys, no matter what.
Tell them straight out that you're uncomfortable telling them. If they have a problem with that, what can they do?
Kevin you can trust me, you know that right?