Before I left Philippines  BigBang held their concert there...

I was crying when they arrived there thinking...

I won't be able to watch them!

The tickets were so damn expensive and I couldn't afford it!

I ask my dad to buy me... begged for him to buy me one!

But he said no...

I was so depressed that I cried for the whole day...



But cool story...















My dad really bought a ticket for me!  It was a SURPRISE!

I was so happy that I could die in happiness!

And I was in the VIP seats (near the stage)

And during the concert GODDAMN IT!



I couldn't forget how Daesung oppa...

Waved and smiled at me! "BEST EXPERIENCE EVER!"

Among them Seungri oppa was the most handsome, second will be Seunghyun oppa... You'll get confuse on who's you're bias once you meet them in person! But still T.O.P is my bias! LOL XDD

All of them spoke in English and Tagalog (Filipino language)... Seungri was such a fail in English and T.O.P didn't spoke in English YET the crowd went wild! aahhh~


I would say Philippines is aT.O.P biased country!

Although the concert was a year ago...

It's still fresh in my mind!




Anyway... I just wanted to share some pictures so...


Here you go ^^ <3 <3 Enjoy!!


Okay... well these pictures just showed my name (-_-)

Ahh...... anyway who cares >XD LOL 






 LOL XD Sorry if my pics are almost all Tabioppa's face!

I told you he was my bias! There are more pictures (not just of Seunghyun oppa but as well as other bb members) but there are too many pictures to post (-w-)!

Oh... OTL.... sorry if it's blurred!

I was too excited that I forgot to turn on the flash of my camera PLUS they kept on moving around so I had no time to fix the flash >XD


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bethann591 #1
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!! I'm soooo jealous!!! The nearest concert to me was over 1,000 miles away and tickets just to the concert were over $200(USD). I couldn't afford to go at the time and now I totally regret it because I feel like I missed my chance! Do you think they will ever do a world tour again?? I'm not so sure... *sobs*
TABI<#33333333 MY FOREVER BABY <33333 AHHHHH!!!!!!
Schedulex2 #3
IKR?! Seung Ri is so hot in person! I was so surprised! He's hotter than TOP! No offenses, but Seung Ri was never my bias. So when one of my friend said I have to see him and witness how hot he is, I was like, are you serious? Seung Ri? Hot? The both of us are TOP bias and I thought she was crazy to say that. But Seung Ri is really hot!Not that he is now our bias,but at least we see him as a smoking hot man now instead of just a maknae!