Oh my gosh. (ANNOUNCEMENT)

I just found out that I'm gay.  Lol no jk xD

Ehehehe.. so, it's been awhile since I've been on AsianFanFics, orz.
I missed this website... a lot. ; n ; 3
Did you guys miss me? :D  I doubt it..

Hmm.. so I promise that this time that I'm back for sure. (Especially since I remembered my password now xD)

Oh.. and I'm not sure if I'll be continuing my fanfics or not. OTL
Mainly because I forgot what they all were about. O_O *slappedforforgetting*
Also because I lost my motivation to write since I became a lazy .

So.. yeah. XD

So anyways...~
I have a message to tell you guys.

I like big f♥nts

I lve yu guys! o ω o 

Thank you all for being my frands, people I could talk to without being judged(for liking kpop), and awesome readers.(If you are one of my readers that is. :3 xD) 
*insert the amount of gheiness and hearts here* c; 
 * Q * 


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