Why my design looks like it does on one of my fics

The Grass May be Greener on the Dark Side. (check out the story! I have already begun to write a lot, even though I haven't uploaded any chapters yet;))


I had other colors before, but I had to change it. Why? Well, my education consisted of graphic design too, and analysing stuff like, you guessed it, graphic design. In my graduating exam, I had to make a poster where I explained why I did EVERYTHING. Now I have to have a reason for all of my designs. It doesn't matter how good it looks if there isn't a meaning behind it. Somehow I've learned that the beauty comes from whithin (so beautiful:')). An ugly one with meaning can be better than one without a meaning. Well, if you explain how the ugliness suits it.


My design for the story is an example of this. I liked the turqouise color much more than the green (especially with the yellow), but.... It didn't match the story the same way the green color did.


Before/after-pictures. You can't see all of the design because of the missing background here. But the background have the color of her jacket...


Which one do you think is better?






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Second ^^
Turquoise! So checking this story out ^^