Application for 아프로디테 ** Aphrodite **

Aphrodite's Ally imnida~


Birthname:  Young Ae Tae

Stagename: Ally

Date of Birth: 01/17/1994

Age: Korean(21) World(19)

Blood Type:O

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Filipino

Height: 172 cm/5'7

Weight:45.5 kg/100 pounds




Growing up, Ally was outcasted a lot due to her shyness, but when she had taken an acting class, she was able to finally express herself. She also took up dancing at the age of 10, always watching her brother ad his friends break dance, always wanting to be just like her oppa! ^u^. Although she was able to break out of her shell, she still has trouble when it comes to talking to new people. Once she becomes more comfortable with a person, she starts to share her food, thoughts and view of life.

Did I mention that she talks.. A LOT! Once she starts talking, only 2 things can shut her up: Soda and a reallllllllllly cute guy. She used to be overweight when she was a pre-teen but decided to make a life decision and finally decide to lose weight. That doesn't stop her from drinking soda though! She just promises herself to workout the amount she consumed.

When it comes to guys, Ally gets really nervous and weird. She'll seem to be really bored and indifferent but she's just trying to control herself from looking like a complete idiot in front of said cute/hot guy! Ally is really caring towards people, no matter if they're younger or older than her: she tends to act like the umma of the group! Always making food and giving medicine to those who are sick.


Anime, Stuffed Plushies, Rain, Foggy mornings, sleeping in, clloudy days, SODA, watching dramas, dogs, sweets, Music, The sound of rain, Watching people break dance, cooking.


Mean and Snobby people, Thunder storms, Hot and sweltering days, cold waking up super early, 


Tends to laugh A LOT( kind of like Chanyeol from Exo! XD), likes humming songs, tends to beatbox when bored, wakes up but stays in bed for like 10-15 minutes, when she hears someone open up a soda bottle/can, she will stop whatever she is doing and find out who has soda( has wolf like ears)


Lee Minyoung/Miss A/ relationship: UBER CLOSE!! These two are always goofinng around and spending time together dancing

Tiffany/SNSD/ Relationship: practically like sisters. Both tend to talk in English when they are alone but when they are out in public, they talk in Korean.


Jay Young/24/Older brother/relationship: really close; cried when she had to leave to go to Korea.

Celia Young/47/Mother/relationship: Close; The person who taught Ally how to cook from scratch.

Young Kwon/Father/49/Relationship: Really close; You van say that Ally got most of her personality traits from her father. She is a daddy's girl.



An Su Kyung



Back Up Ulzzang:

Kim Seuk Hye




Park Chanyeol




Chanyeol is really outgoing ad is musically inclined. That meaning that he can play a lot of instruments like the guitar, drums, bass and many more! He's well-known for being the happy virus of Exo, always smiling and laughing. He likes to joke around and make people laugh with his jokes. 

Ideal type:

Ally's Ideal type is someone who can make her feel comfrtable enough to be herself. She wants a boyfriend to be there for her always and to make her smile, even when she is feeling sad and down. She also wants her future boyfriend to sing a song for her when he asks her to be his girlfriend: its been a dream of hers since she was a little girl. She always saw it in the movies she watched. Lastly, she has a thing for guys with deep voices.

Position: Lead vocal~

-Main Vocal

-Lead Vocal

-Main Rapper

-Lead Rapper

-Main Dancer

-Lead Dancer


Fan Club Name and Color:



Any suggestions?:

2NE!'s I Love You




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Would you be willing to switch to Lead vocal?