B/C I'm bored

Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:

1. B.A.P

2. Block B

3. Infinite

4. Epik High

5. Big bang

Who is your favorite person from #2: ZI-AH-COH

Who is your least favorite from #1: Nobody

What is your favorite song from #4: Over

What is your favorite era from #5: Fantasic Baby

What is your favorite OTP from #3: I don’t know

What your least favorite OTP from #2: I also don’t know

How long have you been a fan of #1: Since their first stage c:

Bias in #5: The Official Pimp x)

Favorite music video in group #4: Dont hate me

How did you find out about #3: Wandering through Youtube

Favorite thing about group #4: Theyre not afraid to be blunt and they write catch songs

Most played song on your cellphone/ iPod from group #2: NILLILI MAMBOOOO

If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?: Dj Tukutz, he has a cute son~

Who would you hang out the most with in #5: Seungri~

What would you change about #3: Nothing

Would a collab with #2 and #5 work? : HELL YEAH?????

Who would you want to meet the most in #3: L, Woohyun, and sunggyu<3

If you had to choose between seeing #4 or #2 who would you choose? Block B<3 Sorry Epik High, I love my boys c:


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