Application Form | Imperfection of Girls ; Choi Min Hee



Let me introduce myself

Username: AliceHwang1
Link: Link 

Activeness 1 - 10: 9 

What’s your name?

Name: Choi Min Hee
Age: 18
Birthdate: 11.26.1994 ( mm.dd.yyyy )
School year: Seoul Arts High School
Height: 167cm
Weight: 47kg
Ulzzang name: Do Hwe ji
[  1–   2
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Back-up ulzzang names: Kim Shin Yeong
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Personality: Min Hee thinks only of her beauty and simply nothing else for this matter it has no certain future. Can sometimes be very spoiled and very ignorant to people. To her, only beautiful and stylish people who can be her friend, so she does not have many friends and most of the time alone, but she does not really care about it because she's so focused on her appearance, which forgets outside world. It may seem perfect on the outside, but inside she's just a girl wanting to be loved and live a normal life.

She is super stubborn and always want to be the reason of all, she hates the most is that people help and so she always wants to do absolutely everything myself, without help from anyone.

Even with this personality, she can be a girl lovely, but only when she wants and that's almost never. It will just show their caring side to people she really trusts, or almost anyone because she does not trust easily in people, because of their money, she has had many false friends and that made her a girl without much confidence and more lonely.

She really likes acting and wants to be a great actress when she gets older and for that, she is training hard to follow the example of his mother, who is a super famous actress in Korea. She will do everything to get follow your dream, or that it has over many people, she knows she is being very greedy, but that's what it is.


Background: Min Hee was born into a wealthy family, and so always got what he wanted. Her parents always gave all the good and the better for it. Always enrolled in the best schools, always bought the most expensive clothes, the coolest toys and best and etc ... She grew up as a real princess, living in a large mansion with many maids, but what she really wanted was to play just your parents ever they put in your head that you can not trust people easily so she never made friends because of it . She lived at home or playing alone or watching TV. She saw her parents very little and who took care of them most were the employees than their own parents. His mother as a great actress, recording always lived dramas, movies and commercials. His father as owner of a large company always lived traveling and working. So she never spent much time with their parents and it made her even more lonely, but as she was little she often cried because I wanted to see his parents, but as she grew, she no longer cared about it, and turned a girl spoiled and we just wanted to be friends with people with money and equal to it and therefore never got many friends and she got were super fake and just kept close to her because of the money. Then she began to connect only to their appearance and nothing more. But on the outside it may look like a perfect princess, but inside she just wants to be loved by someone.


Choi Seung Hyun | 42 + 02/13/1971 | Businessman | His father is hardly ever at home and so they almost never seen | He is sometimes too serious, but sometimes can be very affectionate. When Min Hee was young, when he had time, he always took her to the park or to the mall, but now, he is rarely at home and thinks only of his job.

Choi So Hee | 37 + 10/26/1975 | Actress | Min Hee rarely sees her mother, but she feels more comfortable with his mother than his father. |She is a very caring and loving, but sometimes can be very mixed up and snobby. She speaks with Min Hee than his father, yet she is rarely at home because of your recordings.

Friends:  [Name |Age |Occupation |Idol/OC |Personality] max.3 (highlight the text)

Best Friends: [Same format as above! + How you met] max.2 (highlight the text)

If you fill friends’ formate you just make one mistake!

Give it to me


Watch dorama





If look in the mirror






Ice Cream





Fake people





Be alone


Horror movie

People bossy

Wake up early





Play Piano


Biting lips

Throws objects when it gets irritated.

Combing her hair when she's bored.

Talking strange things while sleeping.



Mr Right

Who are you?  The mirror princess
Summary about her: She is a spoiled brat who only cares about his appearance. She is doing well in school bad because she cares more about clothes and her beauty than with the school. Is always looking in the mirror or turning on the phone in class and the teachers always fight with her, but she just ignores. Continues forever without making friends because of social status. It's quite popular in her school because of her beauty and her money.

Who is her tutor? Kim MyungSoo ( L )

His personality? Myungsoo is a very calm boy. When you know the first time, will find that it is a very cold and quiet boy, but he is very excited and very kind to everyone. He does not open up easily to new people, but with time it becomes a really fun person. 

How does he work together with her? He will always try to make her open up to him, but she will always be very cold with it or simply will ignore it. He will always be scolding her for not paying attention to anything but the only thing she does is roll my eyes and get away. Only he did not want to give up and promised to himself that she is a girl much better in the future.

How is your relationship with him first in the show and through the show? At first, she always ignored and never paid attention to what he was talking about. This sometimes makes him very angry, but he did not want to give up and always did everything for her to open up to him.

When the time passed, she thought she could open up to him and spoke with him and even more that watching a bit of the things he spoke, now is a good progress, was what he thought, but she continued almost same thing. Only he will keep trying to open up with her.




Question I: Who signed you up for Imperfection of Girls?
Answer: My parents

Question II: Do you want to be self in this show?
Answer: No. I'm only here because my parents signed me up and I had no choice. I do not know what's wrong with me. * Straightens the hair *

Question III: What do you expect to learn from this?
Answer: I do not expect to learn many things, but I think I can open up more to people and make more friends.

Question IV: What do you think about INFINITE as one of your mentors?
Answer:  I really do not know. I never cared much with groups and I honestly do not know very well they only know what they told me about them and it was very little, so do not know if they will be able to help someone in that program.

Question V: You have to share rooms with other six and will meet other girls with same issue, well somewhere close to it, are you excited about it?
Answer: No. I honestly do not like sharing my stuff, but I will have to live with it. However, maybe, just maybe I can make new friends.

Question VI: Are you willing to be change to be a fine and well-mannered girl?
Answer: * Laughing sarcastically * I'm already well educated. I can be cold at times, but my parents gave me education.

Question VII: This could be an emotional rollercoaster, are you prepared to cry or sharing things that you never told someone?
Answer: * Rolls eyes * What will they do to me that I can make me cry? This is already going too far. I am a strong girl, I will not cry for any silly.

Question VIII: What are your dreams after this show?
Answer: I want to be like my mother and become a great actress, known around the world.

Question IX: This was it, but this will be the final question. How dangerous are you for the INFINITE?
Answer: I'm not a dangerous person, but they better not annoy me * evil smile *



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