As some of you know, I am founder of a pretty big project (Rock2Music Entertainment) and I am glad to say, things are slowly coming together, YAY!
Although that means, I won't be having much time to spend on here as I did recently *cries*. The next weeks will be really really busy for me as the website will be released, I am holding this big SHINee contest (YAP) plus another one announced soon. I will be having lots of work on this project: new clients, new promoting projects, lots of traveling, meetings etc etc, not easy but I will have to manage somehow and if I get lucky, get my first big project as a freelancer (fingers crossed on that). Apart from that in 4 weeks I will start my Master Degree for Artist Manager which I will need to work on at least 16 hours a week of studying (yap 16 if not more) meaning lots of homework and not so much free time next to my big project! Last but not least I am having a full time job too to pay all my bills until I can make enough money as a freelancer. I can tell ya, it's tough, but so worth it (It's all for the future and the more courses I close sucesfully in the next months, the easier it will be for me to find a better job or stop working and work as a freelancer full-time ^^)

Now that you guys know this, I won't be having too much time to update all my stories, but I will try to update whenever I can. This means, all my stories will be going on HIATUS except for: Shy Girl, The Newlyweds & The Misfit (Since I want to finish these first and once I am finished, I will continue the others *bawls* I know, but I have no choice).
My 'I Heart KPOP shop'  remains open as I will actively work on this since it's my kind of field and keeps me connected with you guys (it does) and of course it's associated with my project Rock2Music Entertainment.

Now with that said, I really won't leave and never come back. I will be here and check often, but I just can't update as much as I would like as I have some serious work to do (deadlines, deadlines, deadlines, lol) so bare with me and don't hate me or throw rocks at me, huhu!!
I will post some blogs every now and then to see how you guys are doing and how I am progressing with it all.

Hope you all have a good weekend!!!



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