
... so I had a nightmare about school... >.> I was crying because I got an A-



O_O WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had like 2 normal nightmares in the last 10 years!  EVERYTHING ELSE WAS ABOUT SCHOOL....


Well, I've leaving in like 15 minutes. This should be fun :D If I'm lucky, I'll be able to tan like crazy :D

Bye bye!


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A- is nor thaaaaat bad...
Lol nightmare
lol. if i had an A- it wouldn't have been a nightmare; it would be a DREAM COME TRUE.
Wow. That's... Yeah. A- isn't that bad~~ But I know you'll get better than that :))
orz I've gotten a C before, so I'm not going to even lol
Just now, I was having a weird nightmare ._.
My last nightmare was like, two years ago. Even then all I did was wake up, look around, and then go back to sleep>.> Never had a school related nightmare though.
Wow? Are you like, one of those Asians who always aim for the best? Besides that, A's not so bad… it's better than average. So you passed with flying colours!
You cried because you got an A-? Oh gosh.....
LOL I WOULD CRY BECAUSE I HAD AN -A AS WELL! I had a nightmare last night that I got the XOXO album... But it didn't have a poster or a card in it plus the CD was missing ._.
hahaha xD wooow.
lol xD wow
I have a lot of nightmares. And all of them are really gore and scary. Mostly about people killing me, or just random people being tortured/killed before me! T_T