The Truth About My Writing

So I always say I'm gonna start using this blog feature thing and I never do, but now there are unpleasant chores to be done, it's the perfect time time to make a post! Yay. 


I'm so terrible about updating my fics. I am completely ignoring one right now which is not good. I lost most of my subscribers on that one and I can't say I blame them. ㅠㅠ 


In all honesty, I really don't enjoy writing so much. I'm not very good at it and I don't particularly have a passion for it either. :T But I get so many ideas for stories and I think: "That needs to be a story, but no one else would ever think of writing that!! It must be meeeeeee!" So when I write it, it usually ends up being really half assed and ty. Not at all how I anticipated it being. So I end up neglecting it because I don't know how to save it, so I end up updating very irregularly and taking huge breaks. I'm going to try and be better about this and now that summer is starting I will have plenty more time to focus on fanfiction!! So please look forward to my crappy stories being updated!! Now if you'll excuse me my bias just tweeted and I must love all over him ^^


Whoots yay~!!


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