My Pants, Some Touching?, and Summer Outing

Uh... I hope the title doesn't sound erted because it's not like I'm taking off my pants ;>_>


My pants today, besides the fact that it's new though I don't think my friends noticed, earned me a slap on the from two people/friends o_o;;


Of course, I deem those two close enough to touch me~ XD It would be weirder if they weren't close to me but would still touch my ;>_>


Speaking of touch, people were shock when they saw this photo:


My guy seatmate:  Did you really touch her s?

Jishu: Nah.  That's just an illusion, but the other girl really touched it.

My guy seatmate:  Damn...


Another guy officemate commented in facebook:  Let me join next time!!!


SME (subject-matter expertise, ranks a bit lower than team leader):  Omigosh! this is totally Jishu's idea.

Girl victim (the one with the s "touched"):  Yes, it is totally Jishu.

And I'm like... What the heck?! XD


So I'm not going to deny that I'm a ert, but that wasn't my idea XD  It was the other girl's~ XD I just went along with it~ hahahha!!  Anyway, I just replied to them "This is what happens when I'm mixed with another batch."  Because basically, those girls came from another batch because my batchmates didn't feel like swimming yet, so I went with them instead.  I ended up having lots of pictures with them ^^;;;  And this girl from my batch goes like "What the.. Jishu, you traitor!!!"  Hahahaa!!!


 I haven't really finished looking through all the summer outing pictures. I'll probably post more in my instagram soon maybe, but for now, there are only 3 summer outing pictures in it~ 




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Looks like you had fun^^ Lol, the guy who asked to join in next time. I could tell you weren't touching her but the other girl XD
lol. ahahah makatawa man sab ta. hihihihi