I was also called . . .

I don't get it . . . . 


What's wrong being a tan human? I mean . . . why are people being racists? 


I mean again . . . . 

N and Kai were called tan or dark . . . like the heck people? 

At first, I thought it was funny that I just laugh at it 

then it hit me . . . 

I was also called 'dark' at our family. . . 

It hurts. It hurts, you racists! > o < lol.

Now I know how they felt about it. . . I mean they just laugh it off and just ignored it . . 

but it leaves a pain on them. PAIN! Damn it. 

What's wrong being a tan human being? ; A ; 

Wait. I just said that. asdfghjkl. ignore it. 


I know N felt when someone younger than him said that he's dark or 'oh. i didn't know you were there because you're dark' 

then he puts cream that whitens his face because people were being racists 

and he starts to feel insecure about his image like me. ; _ ; 

I know the pain. yes, the freaking pain. ; - ; /sobs/

I know I'm being a drama queen . .  .but i don't know why do I feel this way right now. 

I'm so sensitive . . . damn it. -.-' /facepalms/


asdfghjkl. forget everything. 

At least, N and Kai are good dancers. pfft. lol.

my biases ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; 

me, too. me, too. lol /gets smacked/


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*huggles you* im not like that~