INFINITE will always be Infinite.


I am back. :D Exams are finally over and yes, I feel like I've just came back from a bloody battle out there. Kekeke...
Regarding my previous post about INFINITE being said to have lost their roots which got me and all of you inspirits flaring up too.
I truly agree with every single comments of yours. However, I will not be replying to them because I wish for bygones to be bygones.
It's not worth getting angry over those crazy 'inspirits' comments all over again. ^^
In response to those crazy fellows, I am sharing two old video links of INFINITE's which had me tearing at the end.
It's a perfect answer and best rebutt to their senseless comments, in my opinion.
They had never lost their basics, just like what the members said and what we believed since the beginning.
It's less than 10 minutes for both parts so watch it at your own will. :D



These 7 guys who occupied our hearts are really so adorkable. <3
And watching this on the eve of INFINITE's 3rd anniversary meant so much to me. :'D
Alright, I am going out and I'll be back on AFF soon

Leaving with a picture teaser:






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1. the part when they were watching the videos was hilarious hahaha XD. One thing that will never change, their humor
2. The ending was so touching. I started sobbing and making weird noises. My tears were threatening to fall :'(. Another thing that will never change, their kind hearts and love for their fans.
3. Myunggie's tongue....*le dead*
Now THAT will certainly NEVER change! ^_~