my brother + KPOP??

just saying, my 10 years old brother loves KPOP?? yeah, I know that. but he just love watching K-Drama. he watched Boys Over Flower with my mother.

and addicted to Kim Hyunjong. My mum also addicted with Lee Minho(she bought all k-drama that he acts^^)


he watched Let's Go! Gream Team/Running Man with me.



in dream team, he is addicted with Ricky Kim.


he said he likes idols that are athletic. (Ricky is athletic b'cuz he always win in the show)

he choose Ricky because of that and b'cuz he is handsome(??) he said he would marry Ricky if he's a girl. (Ricky is married^^)


then, he heard Shinee's song, RING DING DONG. 

This is his FAVOURITE band^^


and his bias is 







OUR BLING BLING JONGHYUN!! (he's my bias too><)

my brother said he llikes his y voice >< after he found out about Shinee, he searched for Shinee's songs. he always asks me whether Shinee had a new song. when i told him about the sherlock and dream girl song, he searched for the song and memorized it.


he listened to Super Junior's songs too. He loves Mr. Simple and y, Free and Single.

I don't remember his bias in Super Junior><


This year, he watche TO THE BEAUTIFUL YOU with me!! and i told him that a member of Shinee acts in the drama. he is so excited, so he watched the drama until the last episode. his secong bias in Shinee is MINHO!!

he loves athletic idols and minho also appeared in dream team too. minho is his third bias in dream team but second in Shinee.


he also likes DONGJUN from ZE: A. dongjun also appeared in dream team^^


recently, he likes SISTAR. his bias is








he likes her because she is beautiful and athletic!!

he also likes Miss A!!





he is watching K-Drama entitled, "You're Still The One" with both my mother and I.






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lol. cooool.
my bro. he's 6.
he loves g-dragon. o u o
and my cousin.
she's 6 and an elf!
and i had a cousin
she's 11 and a sone + hottest!
like me. o u o
and her mom likes running man.
asdfghjessica. e o e