40 Anime Questions [Stolen from IcyWish]

1: What is your #1 favorite anime? My number one? Oh gosh. That's so hard to choose. Maybe...I don't know!
2: Has an anime ever made you cry? Yeah. Death Note (when *spoiler* Light's dad dies *end spoiler*)
3: Which anime made you laugh the hardest? Probably Ouran High School Host Club, FullMetal Alchemist, or Fruits Basket
4: If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be? Maybe Princess Tutu? More about Fakir?
5: List your top 5 anime's: In no particular order Zombie-Loan, Princess Tutu, Special A, Black Butler, and Host Club
6: List your top 5 anime OSTs: I don't really listen to OSTs but I like the Naruto ones and I adore the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children one.
7: Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting? Yeah. Hiyokoi is only 1 30-minute episode. (IT'S SO CUTE!)
8: Who is your favorite anime character? I think I've always been a Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket fan.
9: Name an anime character you absolutely hate: I'm not a big fan of Light from Death Note.
10: What is your favorite 'moe' anime? The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
11: What is your favorite drama anime? Vampire Knight (although, let's be honest, the dub !)
12: What is your favorite romance anime? Fruits Basket (the manga goes into greater depth though)
13: What is your favorite comedy anime? Chobits >.<
14: What is your favorite action anime? Zombie-Loan
15: What is your favorite harem anime? I don't think I've seen any harem animes yet.
16: What is your favorite ecchi anime? I haven't seen any.
17: What is your favorite mecha anime? Not a fan of mecha anime.
18: What is your favorite /yuri anime? Loveless. Hands down. Loveless.
19: What is your favorite slice of life anime? Special A
20: What is your favorite adventure anime? ...Pokemon...don't judge me...
21: What is the first anime you ever saw? POKEMON! (or maybe Yu-Gi-Oh!)
22: You get to have a harem of [6] anime characters of your choice, who do you choose? Hatsuharu (Fruits Basket), Sebastian (Black Butler), Fakir (Princess Tutu), Kei (Special A), Soubi (Loveless), and Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
23: What is the most times you've re-watched an anime? Maybe 2-3 times
24: Name [1] anime you wish everyone would watch: Hiyokoi. It's so cute!
25: What is an anime you regret watching? Grave of the Fireflies. It was so boring.
26: You get to have [1] anime character as your waifu/husbando in real life, who do you choose? I don't want any.
27: Which anime character are you most like? Uh...I don't know honestly.
28: Do you watch a new anime because you think it will be good, or because its popular? If I think it's good then I'll watch it. Whether or not it's popular is irrelevant to me.
29: Has an anime's fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime? I'm afraid to continue watching Naruto because of the fans if that's what you mean.
30: How many anime episodes is 'ideal' for you? 20-30 (no more than 30 please)
31: Have you ever watched an anime with over 23 episodes? Yep. My goal is to watch every Pokemon episode! Also, FullMetal Alchemist was worth the 51 episodes.
32: If you could make a game for an anime of your choice, what would it be and why? Hmmm...I bet xxxHolic would make a good game. The artwork would be amazing for it oh my gosh!
33: Would you ever watch an anime with over 100 episodes? Yep. Like I said...Pokemon...and Naruto.
34: Have you ever watched an anime only because you liked a specific character? I may watch Black Butler II because of the the characters. And I know the cast of xxxHolic makes an appearance in Tsubasa so I'll watch for them.
35: Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why? I don't think  I have but if I did it was because it was too confusing or boring.
36: In your opinion, what makes a good anime? Plot, characters, and artwork (although voices have a lot to do with it as well).
37: Name a popular anime you love: Black Butler and Death Note.
38: Name a popular anime you hate: Naruto is becoming rather annoying.
39: Is there an anime you wish was more popular? SPECIAL A!
40: Thoughts on live-action adaptations? If they're done well then I love them (like Host Club and Boys Before Flowers) but I've seen some that just look bad/awkward like Sailor Moon o.O


So yeah...that's it...

I bet you guys didn't know I liked anime!



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