haters gonna hate

i recently received some hate in facebook regarding the things i’ve posted - mostly kpop related things. ahh~ it hurts that ppl are hating on you, but what hurts most is that they hate on your passion.

they make fun of it. “why do you like it? you can’t even understand it?” “those guys are gays” that’s what ppl mostly say. i’ve grown tired of defending, of trying to make them understand. all my efforts are of no use. they’re just too stubborn, closed-minded to see things like i do.

its funny that they make fun of us loving kpop/cpop/jpop, cos we don’t understand anything. but there are some ppl too who are making fun of their music preference cos of the style, or the singers, whatever. why hate tho?

you make fun of us fangirls/boys cos of the way we show our support for our idols? you make fun of us cos of how intense and dedicated we are to them? you make fun of us cos we like girly guys? why? you have no right.

is it bad to show to the world our dedication to our idols? is it bad to show our love for them? IS IT WRONG TO BE PROUD OF BEING A CRAZY FANGIRL/BOY? you judge us so fast, you don’t even know our story.

i, for one, is a die-hard fan of Big Bang. why? cos they’ve saved me. those five guys saved me from my dark thoughts. they help me. they heal me. just listening to their music gives me strength. their music helps me to go on. how dare you insult them?

those ppl, those girly guys you accuse of, are the reasons many are still alive. those ppl are the reasons why we keep on fighting. you have no right to insult or ridicule them. you utter crap just for your satisfaction. you.. i can’t even.

never underestimate a fan’s heart. i am a sensitive person honestly, and it hurts to hear those words, especially from someone i consider important.

i hope you won’t judge fangirls/boys just cos we love the music we love. its still music you know. we are just a few who took the time to try and understand them, to appreciate them and love them.


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