《 Star Project | Application 》




















            Star Project





Situation 1

Today was the day of days. You had decided to go to this casting of StarProject and try it out. You always wanted to stay on a stage and sing/dance/rap. It was your passion and your biggest dream and you knew this could be your last chance to fulfil that dream. Your feelings were all messed up and so you took a deep breath and then entered the big KBS building. You looked around the entrance hall and then saw a big poster of the “StarProject” standing there. Carefully you read over it and then went up to the second floor to room 299. You opened the big white door in front of you and entered a room and the first thing you saw were hundreds of teens and young adults all with a number somewhere on there clothes. They were all here for the casting, just like you. Quietly you looked around the big room and observed the people here. Some where sitting on the floor or on some stools. Other were standing. Some alone leaned against a wall others in small groups and talking. You hear a boy bragging about his skills in front of a group of girls and saw them giggling. In another corner you could see someone popping . To the left there was a girl doing ballet. Then there were some who had their guitar with them and played on it. Another one had his headphones on and rapped along a song you didn´t know. All in all you saw all kind of teenagers, all wanting the same as you.

Question: How did you feel when you entered that waiting room and saw all the kind of different people? What are your thoughts about the boy that was bragging and the girls surrounding him? What do you think of the boy that was popping? Or maybe did the girl dancing ballet catch your attention? What are your thoughts about it?

I kind of felt nervous. They were all so good and i'm wasn't really too confident in myself. Somehow, I got to roll my eyes on that guy who was bragging. I honestly believe that you shouldn't brag about your talent. You should show it, not brag about it. I was told that if you bragged, you would lose your talent. I was somehow disgusted by those group of girls. They were here, supposedly, because they wanted to perform, not chat or flirt. I thought the guy popping was really good. I also did popping, but I thought I was nothing compared to him. The girl doing ballet also caught my attention since I did ballet as a kid. But the one who really caught my attention was the guy rapping. I've always wanted to learn how to rap, but no one was there to teach me. I would study on my own, but i'm not sure if what I was doing was correct or not.




Situation 2

You waited and waited and just like that hours flew by. One by one you saw the other participants being called up by their number and then walk to the small door on the other side of the room. A few of them came out smiling, squealing and laughing, one was even dancing. But most of them came out with a solemn face or crying. One guy was even so mad that he went and punched the wall, swearing loudly. He was so mad that in the end he had to be escorted out by security. Then you saw the guy who was bragging about himself earlier come out with a solemn expression and without a word leaving the room, thought you still cached the sight of the tears running down his face. And then finally your number was called. Everyone who was still waiting turned to look at you, some whispering while others wished you good luck or were making fun of you. You got up and slowly made your way towards the door.

Question:What were you thinking/felling while you had to wait? What did you think when you saw one after another coming out frustrated, sad or even crying? What did you think about the guy who got mad? And what when you saw that bragging guy coming out crying? What were your thoughts/feeling when they called your number and you walked to the door?

The more I waited, the more nervous I became. It's like every minute the nervousness would eat me, piece by piece. I really felt more nervouse when I saw a lot of people coming out with sad faces. Some even cried. The thought of being one of them came into my mind. I actually saw some of the people who came out crying practicing and they were good. The 'mad' guy scared me. He was really mad to the point where he became a little violent, but I don't blame him though. We all dream of performing, and just being here is a big sacrifice for all of us. While some of us can be clubbing or studying, we're here waiting for our turn. When I saw Mr.Bragger crying, I somehow wanted to laugh but at the same time pity him. Again, we all dream of performing, but like I said it's not good to brag. When they called my number, I swear I felt like fainting. I remembered the sad faces of the people who went out. I felt really unconfident and I wanted to give up and ran away, but I had to do this. While I was walking, I felt my steps becoming heavy and heavier everytime I became closer to the door. I was seriously almost fainting from the nervousness.





Situation 3

You enter the room and hear the door behind you falling close. Curiously you look around. It was a simple looking studio with a few lights, a camera, microphone and a greenscreen. In the middle of the room on the floor you saw the StarProject symbol lying and walked over to it and stood on it. You lifted your face and saw on the opposite of you four judges sitting behind a big table. On the left you saw a old man with grey hair and glasses, wearing a suite and looking all business like and rather intimidating. He starred at you with cold calculating eyes up and down. Next to him sat a woman in her late 20 or early 30. She was nicely and very fashionable dressed and her long light brown hair was perfectly styled. She smiled friendly at you. Then beside her sat another male. Around the same age as the woman you assumed. He was wearing a simple white shirt with a black vest over it. He was clean shaven and his black hair was nicely styled. He seemed to be bored, almost as if he would rather be anywhere but here And then you looked at the last judge surprised. Was that SHINees Taemin? But then you looked closer an realized that no, that wasn´t Taemin but rather a girl that  could pass as his twin. She gave you a warm smile and even waved slightly.

Question:What do you feel when you entered the room and looked at the judges? What were your thoughts about them?

I felt really nervous and scared when I saw the judges. I thought the man on the left was really scary. Somehow, I felt like he was judging me already, even though I haven't performed yet. The woman next to him looked nice. She was like the BoA of StarProject. I got a little confidence from her smile. It was like she expected good from me and I really wanted to do my best and show her what she's expecting. The man next to him was looking bored, so I felt like I needed to liven up his day. His bored expression looked like a challenge to me, which made me to want to do my best. When I saw the Taemin look alike, I fangirled in my mind. He was my bias in SHINee. When I realized it wasn't him, I was both disappointed and relieved. Disappointed because she wasn't Taemin, relieved because I don't want to be rejected by my bias in SHINee. But, seeing the Taemin look alike, I got inspired and I felt a little confident. The girl reminded me that I wanted to perform, just like what Taemin does.



Situation 4

You hear a small click and then see that the camera was and focusing on you. Then the female judge in the middle began talking to you.

Woman: Annyong I am Park Mikyung one of the judges here and head of this project. Please tell us a bit about yourself like your name, age, hobbys, likes, dislikes, dreams, fears and anything else that might come to your mind:

You:  Annyeong Haseyo! My name Im Ami. I am turning 15 this July 29th and i'm currently in my last year of middle school. I love dancing as well as singing. I also like playing sports like swimming, archery, motorcross, volleyball and sprinting. I like playing video games and just staying in the house when I have nothing to do. At home, there would be times where I would write my own songs and remix some other songs with others. I, embarassingly, love stuff toys and I enjoy mystery and horror movies. I love going to the amusement park and ride challenging rides. I feel the happiest when the weather is cold since I don't feel restricted with heat and I feel comfortable. I love animals, especially dogs. I actually have a dog at home named Mochi. I don't really like high heels nor skirts, but if I have to i'll wear them. I hate seafood, especially because i'm allergic to them. I also dislike cigarettes since I have experienced bad memories with them. If i don't become an idol, I will probably be an actress or a vet. I love acting as much as I love dancing and at some time, i've thought of becoming a vet because of my pet and my previous pets. I'm not really the girly girl type and most of my friends are actually guys. I'm currently studying how to play the guitar, and I would surely let you guys hear it when I finally learn how to. I'm usually on the quiet side but if I become close to you I will get really random and noisy. My father used to call me Wonder Silent since I was quiet but I can do a lot of things. I am ,embarrasingly, still afraid of the dark though I don't really hide it. I tend to become really competitive although i'm not really that confident. I usually wear glasses since my vision isn't that good, but i'm currently wearing contact lenses. I'm really not that confident so please take care of me.

Mrs Park: Thank you and can you tell us why you are here today?

You: The reason why i'm here today is because I love performing, although I haven't really shown my talents in the past. My friends were actually the ones who pushed me into doing this. They knew I loved performing but wasn't really confident.

Mrs. Park: So what are your talents? Please show them us.

You: 01 | 02 

Mrs. Park: Thank you and what about dancing how good are you in that? Can you show us something?

You: 01 | 02

Mrs. Park: Since when have you been singing/ rapping/ dancing?

You: I've been dancing ever since I was a kid. Even in my pre school days, I loved dancing. I even studied ballet when I was younger. As for singing, I don't really remember when I started singing. I guess it came naturally? I sang a few times in the past, but I never really joined any competitions in singing. 

Mrs. Park: Why do you want to be an idol? Did you ever go to another casting? If yes where and how did it go?

You: I love performing and it's something I want to share to others. I also want to inspire others in achieving their dream even if they're not confident in theirselves. I haven't went to other castings nor have I auditioned in companies since i'm not really that confident.

Mrs. Park: Alright we are almost finished. We are just going to take a few pictures of you now. One showing your front, one focusing on your face and one focusing on your profile.Just do what our cameraman tells you to do.

You: picture showing whole body: 01

         Picture showing your face   : 01

         Picture showing your profile: 01

         Name of the ulzzang used: Byeon Ji Young

Mrs.Park: Alright, well congratulations you are in, here is your letter.

You go and take the letter and bow thanking them then you leave the room.


Question:How did you feel during the casting? What did you think? What are you feeling now that you are accepted?

I felt like a ghost. I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. I don't really remember what happened in the casting, but i'm really happy that I got accepted.






Situation 5

You got accepted, you are part of StarProject. You made it in. You left the building and are now standing in front of it holding the letter.

Question: What do you think/feel ? what will you do now? Celebrate? Go home? Call your friends? Tell me.

I'll probably call my friends and thank them for making me join. I'll also eat then sleep since I honestly feel a little dizzy with the casting. Probably because of my nervousness.



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