HERA || Lee Eunju || Eunju



Lee Eunju ~ Eunju

☁ Why So Serious? 

Username: Tiger_lily
Activeness: 4
What should I call you?: Lily

♤ What's Your Name? 

Birth Name: Lee Eunju
Other Names: Spazz, Gongju(A play on her name and the word princess. Fans call her this, and a lot of times the members do too.)
Birthday: May 10th, 1995
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Birthplace: Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean (Fluent) English (REALLY badly. She is notorious for her way of speaking english.)
Bloodtype: B

☼ Come on make me feel Alive 

Ulzzang Name: Lee Eunji
Backup Ulzzang Name: Jung Min Hee
Height: 175cm
Weight: 48kgs
Style: Eunju is fashionable. She has a very chic type of look. Professional and clean, with a fun flair. whether that be with accessories, or colors, it doesn't matter.

           Casual: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 
           Dressy: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
           Formal: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
           Practice: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 
           Airport: Link 1 | Link 2
           Dorm/Sleep: Link 1 | Link 2
Extras: Hyo Jin has three ear peircings on each ear. (Like This)

☮ Just be true to Who You Are 

Personality: ~Make Way For Gongjin~

First word that comes to mind when talking about Eunju is that she is a princess. Eunju gets what she wants, when she wants it. Whether that be by working hard for it, using her aegyo to get somebody else to do it, or something. She will find a way. She is clever like that. She is fairly spoiled being the baby in a fairly rich family. Eunju is fairly innocent, she forgets that there are people less privaliged that her, and forgets that not everybody is rich and can afford fancy clothing and what not. Eunju is moved by emotion and is fairly emotional herself. She is a hopeless romantic, awaiting her knight in shining armor to sweep her off of her feet. Eunju tries her best to be helpful, but she isn't very good at reading the atmosphere. Somebody could be totally pissed off at her because of what she did to help. Though she is helpful, she doesn't go about things the right way sometimes. Eunju's love language is gifts and acts of service. That means she enjoys giving gifts and reciving gifts, and doing stuff for her friends. It is how she shows that she loves/cares. Eunju is not the brightest crayon in the box, but works hard at getting things right. Though she is extremely lazy, she will be active if she needs to be. Though she will complain. Eunju is easilyShe is truely a princess in her personality. She is extremely gullible, falling for pranks and hidden cameras all the time. You can tell her that gullible is written on the ceiling and she'd believe it. Eunju does try to convert people, she is extremely persistant about it. It is actually quite funny at times.



  • bubble tea
  • Candy
  • Fashion
  • Cats
  • small dogs
  • sleep
  • Shopping
  • Norobang
  • Pop music
  • romantic comedy movies


  • Reptiles
  • mean people
  • saesaeng fans
  • big dogs
  • sarcasm (she doesn't get it a lot of the times)
  • scary movies
  • fighting scenes
  • blood


  • Shopping
  • Social Networking
  • Photography
  • Drawing


  • Playing with her hair when nervous (braiding, twisting, ect.)
  • bites the inside of her cheek when trying not to say something or cry
  • when scared she hides her face. whether that be with a blanket or her hands.
  • She covers when she laughs, or she claps. It all depends on how funny it is.


  • She is the black hole when it comes to dancing in Hera
  • She has a Twitter, Me2Day, Instagram, Cyworld and a weibo, all under the same name. (Gongju95) She doesn't use her weibo much. She doesn't understand chinese. 
  • She and her brother were both Ulzzangs predebut. Her brother still is. He was cast in Ulzzang Shiade. (Lee Chi Hoon)
  • Eunju just recently graduate from Seoul Arts High School and plans to attend Korea National University of Arts
  • If Eunju was to be compared to an animal, it would be a bunny. 
  • Eunju really wants a puppy, a small dog, like a toy poodle or a chiuaua.
  • Eunju likes musicals, her favorite ones being Rent, and Wicked. She really wants to be in one.
  • Eunju is a christian.
  • Others often joke that she is a mini female version of Siwon. She isn't afraid to show off her body, and she is a hardcore christian.
  • Her ideal types idol wise include Gongchan (B1A4) and Nichkhun (2PM)


Background: Eunju grew up in a very rich and religous home as the maknae. Ever since she was young, Eunju has been singing. Her family jokes that she started singing before she started speaking. As soon as she was able, her parents put her in music classes. Eunju absolutely adored singing and piano. Often playing for her church or for contests. All through out school, Eunju was focused on music and friends. school was never a priority for her. In middle school her brother became a ulzzang, and through him she became one too. She lived a fairly uneventful life until she was scouted by SM in her 2nd year of high school, Eunju was scouted by SM entertainment while she was out shopping with friends. She had to beg her parents to let her audition, which didn't take much. Just a lot of aegyo for her dad, and her mom was all for it. She excelled in auditions with her voice, though for dancing, that was a different story. 

✿ Why are you my Clarity? 

Family: Father | Lee Jae Hoon | 49 | Emergancy Response Surgeon | Hard Working, Loyal, Intellegent, Cold, Responsible | Eunju doesn't see her father a lot because he is often called into work. Always on call. Though he seems fairly unapproachable, He is a good father. He spoils Eunju. Eunju is definitely daddy's little girl.

Mother | Lee Hyo Jin | 48 | Korean Literature Professor | Kind, Homely, Quirky, Organized, Playful | Eunju's mom is like a friend to her kids. She tries her best to be that mom everyone loves. Eunju takes after her mother a lot. Even though she is a daddy's girl, Eunju is also fairly close to her mother.

Older Brother | Lee Chi Hoon | 25 | Model | Cold, Reserved, Creative, Loyal, Intellegent | Eunju and Chi Hoon have a decent relationship. Though not as close as people would think. They argue a lot, but they are good at putting on a show. Chi Hoon is definitely an ice prince till you get to know him. Eunju and her brother have similar but different personalities. They just clash sometimes. But they are siblings.

Best Friend(s): Sulli | 18 | Fx | Eunju met Sulli when she first arrived at SM. She walked into the wrong practice room. Sulli was kind enough to show her where to go | Cute, Hard working, Ambitious, Persistant, Social | Eunju and Sulli are really good friends. Like they compleate eachothers sentences and talk about everything. Especially boys. 

Friends: Seohyun | 21 | SNSD | Eunju and Seohyun go to the same church. | Innocent, Pure, Smart, Clean, Respectful | Seohyun is an unni that Eunju trusts and goes to get advice from.

Tiffany | 23 | SNSD | During TTS promotions | Kind, Childish, Happy, Stubborn, Dorky | Eunju adores tiffany. She looks up to her and really respects her. She is actually really shy and self consious around her. 
Love Interest: Henry Lau | 23 | Super Junior | Eunju hasn't officially met Henry. She has just seen him around the SM building. But she is totally infatuated with him.  | Currently Strangers | Henry has a very cute personality. He is extremely kind and down to earth. Extremely friendly and patient. He laughs easily and just loves life. Though he has been through a lot, it doesn't change who he is. He is a dork and not afraid to be himself. He is romantic, and can be shy around girls he doesn't know, but he can be a total player around his friends. | Sunbae/Hoobae
Backup Love Interest: Lay | 21 | EXO
Rival: N/A

◊ Shining Star, like a little diamond 

Stage Name: Eunju
Persona: Princess
Personal Fanclub Name: Royalty
Personaly Fanclub Color: Purple
Personal Motto: All that glitters isn't gold.
          (X) Leader, Lead Vocalist
          (#) Main Vocalist
          (-) Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer (taken by me cause I'm selfish ^_^)
          ( ) Main Dancer, Vocalist
          ( ) Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
          ( ) Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist
          ( ) Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Talents: Drawing, Piano
Weaknesses: Princess syndrome, gullible, innocence
How did you get into SM?: She was scouted when she was out with friends shopping. The person who scouted her followed her for 35 minutes before she could actually get Eunju's attention. Eunju was too busy laughing and having fun with her friends to notice.
Trainee Experience: Eunju had a fairly easy trainee experience. She didn't live in the dorms with everyone else because she lived nearby. She excelled in singing, and was an absolute failure at dancing. She struggled at that. She has two left feet and a really bad sense of rhythem.
Trainee Years: 2.5 years.
Pre-Debut Activities: Ulzzang
Singing Twin: Narsha: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (The last girl, she does the high note run. In the actual MV it is around 3:40)
Dancing Twin: IU: 1 | 2 
Rapping Twin: N/A

♥ I'll be coming Back For You 

Questions/Comments/Suggestions: I am sorry if it is too cute. I try not to create the same characters for every apply fic. I base them off of the ulzzang's looks generally. I am also rushing to finish this before the deadline, so if this seems a bit rushed, I am sorry. I can always explain further into things if you need me too. Also the font changed in some places. I'd fix it, but I am scared I'll mess it up even worse. D:
Scene Requests: Nothing I can think of~
Password: I like Heroes personally. Though I say you should have the fans "name themselves" Like exotics did. make it the official unofficial name xD Some other ideas I don't like would be "Peacocks (hera's sacred animal) Willows (Hera's sacred plant.) Lions/Lioness (Another sacred animal) 


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