Oh .. MerGahd x3

I have a nephew named Evan. Evan is a crazy dwarf :3

So me and Evan had a bottle of Minute Maid Fruit Punch in our clutches.. mwhahaha. Wrong thing to do my Amigo.

We were shaking it since it was still in a mushy ice form. It became a smoothie. We did dares.

Evan poured a whole bunch of fruit punch in my mouth and he kept singing Captain Underpants making me rush to the bathroom and spitting it out in the sink >< He laughed at me and claimed victory -.- But oh no ... HE didn't do his yet TwT Mwahurhurhur ~

I took the bottle and poured a whole ishload of it in his mouth. It seems like I didn't really check closely cuz it was too much. It started to drip and I was helping him hold it in while we ran to the bathroom. He was basically spitting it out on my hand -__- That Mofo. So when we turned the corner into the bathroom...


Oh My .. what a beautiful shade of red you added to your bathroom walls... and sink... and floor... and door..-way. Not to mention he got it all over my left arm. TSK

So we were rushing to clean up the mess since my mom was in the kitchen. I rush to my room to clean up the tiny drops of red on the carpet and toss away the towel afterwards. When I went to put it away, a funny idea popped up in my head. I looked at my nephew who was sitting on the floor in the living room, across from the kitchen, and said..

" Hey mom ... Evan has his perioddd "

I was snickering like a freaking weirdo while he gave me THE LOOK. The .. WTF LOOK.

Then I walked up to him and asked,

" Hey Evan. Why'd you leave drops of your blood on my carpet? There are pads for your period "

Ah Geez. This is funny for us xD Ok Ok Bye. Madre might yell or whatever. Shes calling for something :P



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