can someone help meee!!!!??

okay, I have a problem. i'm making another layout, i have a problem in them and has some math! I need to solve this problem.


okay, so its like this:

in each paragraph, it has two parts and I have 2 paragraphs, meaning it has 4 parts in all. i'll call the first two parts in the 1st paragraph, part a and part b, in the others are part c and d. the height of part a is 20, while b is 182. in part d, it's 135. I need to know the height of part c, to be equal to the first paragraph.


its like this when solving:

paragraph 1 - part a: 20, part b: 182

paragraph 2 - part c: ?, part d: 135

i need to make it equal each other. already tried subtracting and dividing, but I still don't get it. I feel like I'm in school already but our classes didn't start yet. please help me!!!


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Ans: 67
? Aren't you just gonna subtract d from the sum of a and b? I can't visualize these paragraphs and parts, but do you want, a + b = c + d?
Then, c = (a + b) - d

c= 67