Rest In Peace

Rest in peace 

rest in peace to my grandad (my lolo) 

I grew up with no grandad by myside, I was born and raised in Australia but Filippino by blood. My parents came to Australia with no family so they started one here in Australia. So here in australia its only my sister and I and every so often we come to the philippines to visit family and relatives. 

I've always loved visiting the Philippines because I'm surrounded with nothing but my family, cousins, aunties, ucles and grand parents but here in Australia my sister and I have no one but ourselves. Thats why I love spending new years and Christmas with my family in the Philippines because thats when I feel like I have a whole family with me, its when my heart feels full, its like I actually have a family. 

You may not be my real grandad, (my dad's step dad, my dad's real dad died when he was 3 months old and my mum's dad died when she was 20 years old) I've got to witness what it was like having a real grandad even though we aren't blood related. Now that you are gone all is left is memories I had with you, I know its not much because I only visit you every 3 years in the Philippines but no matter what you are the one I call my Lolo (Grandpa). 

No matter what I will remember the times when you brought me ice- cream when I feeling hot, or when you went shopping with me to buy me Christmas gifts, or the times where you ate the chicken skin on my plate because you clamied that I'll get diabites. I'll miss you sense of humor and the stories you told me when you lived in Hong Kong. Or the stories you have told me about trying to date my widowed grandma and how she refused to date you because she just lost her husband and is raising 3 children on her own. 

I really do respect you, you have made me laugh when I was sad and I love how you waited for 20 years for my grandma just so you can date her because she said she dosen't want to date anyone while raising 3 kids on her own. I love how in the process of waiting for my grandma to love you back, you helped paid my dad's high school fee's and college fee's which got him to Australia today. I love how we aren't even blood related but I can totally relate how people judge us for eating to much food. 

You were a great husband to my grandma, step- dadd to my dad, great father i law to my mum and a great grandpa to my cousins, sister and I. I'm happy that you lived an amazing were you lived to your fullest but I'm sad you are gone. I'm glad you met my grandma and made her life swell and stayed with her for 50 years. I'm glad you are in the heavens after all the suffering you went through for the past year, I never thought that last year was the last time I'll see you. but now you are gone lola is left to be by herself. 

rest in peace to the best grandpa anyone could ever ask for

may we see each other in another lifetime

you were a great lolo anyone could ask for and I hope you are up in heaven watching below. I promise all the hard work of school will be dedicated towards you, I will contiune to work hard and graduate at the end of Novemeber and enter university with a teaching degree, like I've promise you. 

I promise I will do it and I will with your guidence

I love you <3


Sorry I had to write that, I'm feeling very sad at the moment and have to express my feelings

to be honest EXO's new album is the only thing thats getting me through now


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Stay strong! Love you! and so does the EXO boys :)
I'm so sorry for your loss. At least he won't have to suffer anymore
taeyeonie07 #3
Condolences to you and your family. I know your lolo is grateful having you as his grandchild just as grateful as you are.
my sincere condolence to you

he's happy now up there :)
omg why the hell am i teary?
thats so cuteeee. i cant even imagine how i'd feel in ur place.
my condolences. i hope you nd your family are okay though :/
iammyd2 #6
It's okay (: it was time for him to go (: don't dwell on this for long (: be happy and remember that our grandad wants you to be happy (:
Aww sorry for your loss
May him rest in peace...
Hope you'll be okay soon!