Regarding "The Baby Mill"

In light of recent events, and a none too polite comment written on "The Baby Mill" (one I'm sure was meant to harm rather than help), I have decided to edit the story and make it better. I'll be starting by eliminating chapters that don't benefit the story and after I do that I will edit the chapters and make it easier for everyone to follow and develop characters better.


On another note, what people sometimes fail to grasp in this story is that the backgrounds of each character are not meant to be fully revealed. You, as the reader, are supposed to get the general idea of their past lives, but not know where they actually came from. It's part of the mystery of this twisted plot.


Furthermore, if you all wish to critique the story, I ENCOURAGE it. But please note, that there is critquing and there is being rude. Writers need to be guided, not destroyed. Criticism has the power to make or break a writer and because I know I'm an amateur and knwo that I have much improvement to do with my writing, I take all the critcism I can, despite some people's personal attacks so cunningly weaved into their "crtiques". And to that one person that has inspired this announcement, you have been dealt with accordingly and I will not be taking notes from you any longer since you have been proven inadequate in that aspect (oh, sorry, was I abusing literary terms and failing the execution again?). 


All in all, this is merely to say that I like hearing from readers, the good and bad, but there is a way to do everything. And of course, I will be making changes to "The Baby Mill" and trying to better the reading experience for you guys, and better the writing experience for you. After all, I know this story has potential. Why else would I have gotten all the features and postive comments and criticisms from it? 


-Author J

Side Note: I OFFICIALLY changed my username. It was time for a change. I've been JannCakes for far too long, and tbh, I'm not even a girl any more really, so I felt the username needed to go.


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Shineegirl101 #1
As another silent reader, I completely agree with danuyel2006. I would also like to point out, that with what you have written in this blog post alone, shows that you have extreme talent in writing, and I encourage you to presue this talent to the fullest. I always look forward to updates and new stories, as I know they will be well exacuted. I have always strongly encouraged being creative, whatever the domain. You have handled this situation in the best way possible, and I am very happy that you will continue to write, despite the negativity.

Always supporting,

Honestly.. As one of your silent readers who has been with this story from the beginning, I have to speak. I LOVE this fic and I wouldn't change a thing. If you told anymore of the character's backgrounds, the story would drag and possibly become long and drawn out and might take away from the story you're telling. I think whoever "criticized" you was merely trying to be mean and should be utterly and completely ignored.

Just my honest opinions...
