New fanfic idea~~ {◕ ◡ ◕} xxxxx

The new fanfic that I'm working on is going to have references to numerous thing in it.  I was going to base it first of all on Lunar influences, the Zodiac, psychological disorders and how they are all apart of each other.  I was also going to base it on the use of crystals in terms of healing, aura/chakra, spirituality and make references to both modern and historical lifestyles.  Like, making comparisons to the way women are treated now to the way they were treated during the European Witch Hunts.  Would that interest you or do you think I should just leave it and work on something else?  Comment and let me know - it'd help a lot!  ( ▽*Nervous* :$ xxxxx

-Kang Hyekyo xxxx


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