Interrogate Me [stolen from -ZeloKeepsMeAlive-]


1. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I'm panual, so I'll be ok with a boyfriend, girlfriend, or anyone in between.
2. When did your last hug take place?
An hour ago when I hugged my mom good night
3. Are you a jealous person?
It depends on the situation, but not usually.
4. Are you tired right now?
Eh kinda. I stay up late reading fics then get up early to give my siblings breakfast 
5. Do you chew your straws?
I try not to
6. Have you ever been called a tease?
7. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
No, only gotten to like 29 
8. Do you cry easily?
Very. It's a weird combo with my dark & twisted sense of humor 
9. What should you being doing right now?
Sleeping. Or writing more chapters. 
10. Are you a heavy sleeper?
Hell. No. I once snapped wide awake because I heard a bug crawling on my floor. I woke up my mom & made her kill it. Hey, bugs scare me. 
11. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
I've done that thrice 
12. Are you mad at someone right now?
Yes, immigration 
13. Do you believe in love?
14. What makes you laugh no matter what?
Hmmn SS501 trying to speak English. Or when someone says "duty". Or fart noises buahaha
15. Who was the last one you talked to?
My younger sister
16. Do you get butterlies around the person you like?
A thousand times yes. 
17. Will you get married
It depends on the person.  If I decide my life partner is a guy, yes. If my LP is a girl,
it depends on whether the US government made gay marriage legal.
18. When was the last time you smiled?
Just a second ago taking to my sister 
19. Does anyone like you?
Uh I get stalkers, does that count? 
20. Do you secretly like someone?
No, I'm not secretive about that. 
21. Who was the last person you talked to today?
My younger sister. 
22. Who do you feel the most comfortable talking about anything?
My best friends Raveena, Natalie, & Cate
23. What are you NOT looking forward to?
Hmmm growing up. 
24. What ARE you looking forward to?
Senior year whoop whoop #classof2014swag lol
25. Has someone of the opposite ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
26. Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
I wouldn't care because I broke up with him & had no feelings for him. 
27. Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
Yes!! I turn 18 in 9 months
28. Are you a forgiving person?
It depends on what happened. 
29. How many TRUE friends do you have?
30. Do you fall for people easily?
I grow crushes easily, yes. But actual love? No
31. Have you fallen for your ex's best friend?
32. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
My toothbrush 
33. Who was the last person you drove with?
My mom & sister
34. How late did you stay up last night and why?
Midnight. And because I was reading fics, duhhhh
35. If you could move somewhere else, would you?
To live? No, I really like Florida. But I have a list of places to visit
36. Who was the last person you took picture of?
My sister & brother. I changed their genders lol
37. Can you live a day without TV?
38. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
Uh when I got a B in English. God it's terrible):
39. Three names you go by?
Elahaundra, Ella, & Haundra
40. Are you currently in a relationship?
Yes, with a boy. 
41. What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
The Notebook, Junjou Pureheart
42. Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
Yes, L. J. Smith's Night World Series has taught me this
43. What's your current problem? 
I stress over anything & everything. But mostly myself. 
44. Have you ever had your heart broken?
45. Your thoughts of long distance relationship?
I have no time for them 
46. How many kids do you want?
I want to give birth to 4, like my mom. U want a set if twins, though. And I'm going to adopt a child as well. So 5 in total. 
47. Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like?
Yes! I'm open with who I like to my friends, but not to the actual person. 


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