Feeling her sadness

Have you ever had those times when Your best friend is too sad it's almost turning into depression ?

I didn't know how to react while listening to her telling me the bad news, hearing her crying over the phone....feeling helpless praying that everything is gonna be alright..

I want to help her so bad, but there's nothing I can do, comfort her and tell her it's gonna be alright, but i don't wanna give her empty promises, her sad voice tears my heart, my best friend is drowning in the sea of helplessness and I just stand at the shore and watch because there's nothing I can do....

Why did it had to come to this..why does he make so many mistakes that it effects her so much ?

Why did she fall in love with him? He's only hurting her, by hurting himself..

I pray for their happiness and a way out of this, I'm still shaken by the news.



For his sake, and for the victim...






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Love <3 it's not enough to thank you for all the support :( Thank you for beeing the best friend ever,thank you for always beeing here,thank God we ever met <3 I know it's all going to be fine,but even if he goes to prison,i'll wait for him as long as i have to...And i will stay strong..just because of him and YOU <3
Love you more than anything <3