
You are worth it. 

You are worth everything life has to offer. 

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, don't let yourself tell you otherwise. 

Just because you think you're worthless doesn't make it true. 

You are worth it and you are good enough, you just need the right person to make you realize that. 
Be yourself because you are here for a reason. 
You're on this earth to live.. so live. 
Don't let others stop you from living your life. 
Don't let your bad thoughts stop you from enjoying life. 

You're too young to let the world break you. 

You ever have that moment where someone makes you feel as if you're horrible, as if you're trash or you're scum or you don't deserve to live on this planet ? 

Many people on this earth want to hurt you, want to bring you down, want to make you feel.. unloved. 

They make you feel worthless. 

We've all been there before, all experienced how heartbreaking it is to feel as if no one wants you in this world or how everyone hates you because of your imperfections. 

It may be your parents, your siblings, your peers, bullies.. even maybe your closest friends. 

I know how it feels. 

I know how it feels to live life thinking that you're one of the worst excuses that has ever walked this cursed planet, thinking as if your 'fatness', your 'uglyness' suddenly pinpoints you as trash. 


But you've got to remember this when you're having one of these bad days - 

You are going to live hundreds and hundreds of days in your whole life, more than we can even count. 
Don't let this one day ruin your mindset on life. 
Don't bask in your depression, thinking you're unwanted when you have your whole life ahead of you. 

Cry a river, build a bridge then walk over it.
Keep walking, just keep walking with your head held high then turn back and look how far you've walked away from your depression, from your tears. 
You'll feel better, knowing that it was that easy to forget about that horrible day. 

But trust me, this strategy will never work if you keep on thinking about everyone's insults to you or thinking about how worthless you are. 

Forget about the insults, remember the compliments.

Now this next part might offend some people but I sure hope it doesn't. I'm just trying to say what I truly think. 

People with advice blogs about worthlessness always tell people that no matter what, God shall love you. Even if everyone hates you, God shall still love you. 

Now, even if I am a christian who prays to God every night before I go to sleep, I'm not too keen on repeating that in my head everytime I'm feeling down. 

Because even though God and Jesus is our saviour from above, they aren't down here beside us to comfort us and hug us and tell us everything will be alright. 

If you are truly religious and do truly believe that God loves you then I won't spoil that for you because yes, God loves us. God died for us, for me and for you and he created each and every one of us to serve a good purpose on this earth. 

Let me tell all of the other people though. 

You may think that the world hates you, but there's always going to be that special someone that's always worried about or caring about you every day. 

Someone in this world loves you. 

I love you. 

Don't feel worthless, just please. 

You are perfect, you are beautiful, you are amazing. 

You are worth it. 

-utsukushi's sankyuu's. c:

Second blog is done. 
Now this topic is actually 
quite a sensitive topic for 
me and I will definitely 
be writing more about this. 
I do think that it's easy for the 
human brain to immediately 
label yourself as worthless when 
you really aren't. 
Please, if you're ever feeling 
worthless or unloved, PM me, 
talk to me, I'll be there to comfort you,
I promise.
If you want me to give you more 
advice, just PM me about the topic 
and I'll make a blog post about it, I 
won't mention your name, of course. 
I just want to make a difference in 
this world. 

Ciao for now, 




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