111 Facts - Stolen from milkuumin-

1) Are you ready for 111 questions? 

Well duh, that's why I took this from milkuumin- -_-


2) Was your last real relationship a mistake?

Why ask that when I never had a relationship? XD


3) Do you know what time you were born? 

No, never thought of asking my mom either.


4) Who did you last say “I love you” to? 

My grandmother...


5) Do you regret it? 

Eh... Grandma is sometimes too clingy and annoying... But nah, didn't regret it :D


6) Have you ever been depressed? 

Yep, up to now... Only a little bit.


7) Are you a boy or a girl?



9) What is your relationship status? 



10) How do you want to die?



11) What did you last eat? 

Sugar XD


12) Played any sports?

Hm... Taekwondo, badminton, swimming.


13) Do you bite your nails? 



14) When was your last physical fight?

Well it is needed in Taekwondo XD But I can't actually remember... Is poking each other counted? Then March.


15) Do you have an attitude?

Of course, I have sass XD


16) Do you like someone?

Yes, in the real world. In the KPOP world, a lot.


17) What is your real name? 

Eli Knicole. Not giving my last name in this blog XD


19) Are you gonna get high later?



20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?  

Want me to say their names? And yes, they're boys.


21) Do you miss someone? 

Neh ;3;


22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?

Twirl :D


23) Do you tan alot?

No don't like tanning XD


24) Have any pets?

2 dogs... But not in my house >.<


25) How exactly are you feeling?

Nothing... Couldn't explain how... XD


26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?

Of course! (^~^) A lot of times, actually...


27) What do you believe in? 

A lot of things...


28) How many ex's do you have?

Nada XD


29) Are you scared of spiders?

LOL... Yeah... XD


30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?



31) Do you regret anything from your past? 

A lot things.


32) What are your plans for this weekend?

I dunno... Maybe sulk? XD


33) Do you want to have kids? 



35) Do you type fast? 



36) Do you have piercings? 

Earrings :D


37) Want any more?

Piercings? No.


38) Can you spell well? 

Uhuh. It is needed in being an author XD


39) Do you miss anyone from your past?



40) What are you craving right now? 

Milk Tea. Nestea. Fried chicken.


41) Ever been to a bonfire party? 

No :( But I want to :D


43) Have you ever been on a horse? 

Yep. I enjoyed it :D The names of the two horses that I have ridden are: Thunder and Alondra.


44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck?

The hell?! Of course not!


45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

Maybe? I don't really know if I broke his heart... He didn't tell me >.<


46) Have you ever been cheated on? 

*shrug* Maybe, I don't know.


47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 

Nope! Like I said, NEVER HAD ONE.


48) What month is your birthday?



49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? 

Of course, I don't need to marry my friend while staying in a dorm in college :P Ha! Gotcha!


50) What should you be doing?

Staying away from the computer XD


51) What’s irritating you right now? 

Those things are:

   1. Not going to CNLUE's concert.

   2.. Not buying albums of KPOP idols/groups.


52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? 

Yep. It happened a lot of times.


53) Does somebody love you? 

Besides my family and my friends i dont know if someone likes me as in romantic love. [Same as Iyah/milkuumin- XD]


54) What is your favorite colour?

Dark colors. But the colors I like the most are green, black and ocean blue.


55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?



56) Ever been arrested? 



57) Do you have trust issues? 



58) How tall are you? 

Don't know XD


59) Do you have a dog? 



60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 



61) What are you going to do when you finish this? 

Go to Omegle, or listen to music.


62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?

Told ya, no BF since birth.


63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? 

It's not a person, but it's my laptop XD


64) Do you give out second chances too easily? 



65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? 

It's easier to forgive, but it's harder to forget.


66) Is this year the best year of your life?



67) What was your child hood nickname?

Nikki/Taba XD


68) Have you ever walked outside completely ? 



69) Have you ever been on holiday to America?

I wish- LOL Korea is the best XD


70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 



71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?

Daydream XD


72) Are you bored of this yet?

Nope... LOL a little bit XD


73) What is bothering you?

Alot of things.


74) Do you have a computer in your room? 



75)Do you play the Wii?

Don't have one T^T


76) Are you listening to music right now?

Shy Boy XD


77) Do you like Chinese food?

Ooooh the duck is yummy O.o


78) Do you know your fathers b- day? 

Why would I? I don't like him, and don't want him in my life... [Harsh... -_-]


79) Are you afraid of the dark?



80) Is cheating ever okay?



81) Are you mean? 

To people that are mean XD


82) Can you keep white shoes clean? 



83) What are your plans for tonight? 



84) Do you believe in true love?

Of course.


85) Do you get claustrophobic?

When it's dark in the tight space and I'm alone, yes.


86) Eat or Drink?

Eat and drink XD


87) Favourite pizza topping?

Anything XD


88) Do you like the outside?



89) Are you currently bored? 



90) Do you wanna get married?

No way! I'm too young! When I'm old I will.


91) Is it cute when a boy calls you baby? 

...You don't wanna know.


92) Are you hungry? 

Yes :(


93) Have you ever been caught?

Caught doing what?


95) Would you change your name? 

As a stage name, sure. I.Z. is in my mind... Oh and Jiji :D


96) Ever been to Alaska?



97) Ever eaten a goldfish? 

Seriously, what's with that question? And no.


98) Do you watch the news? 



99) What’s your zodiac sign? 



100) Do you like Subway?



101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

Never kissed anyone.


102) Your best friend of the opposite likes you, what do you do?

Hm, never thought of that... So, I don't know XD


103) Do you talk like your friends? 



104) Are you double jointed?



105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? 

Yeah. Ish, he tried to follow me after that. Thankful for my fast running! XD


106) Do you have a friend of the opposite who you can act your complete self around? 

Frienemy, and yep.


107) Who was the last person of the opposite you talked to? 

The cashier at the milktea place? XD


108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?

Yes. I hate smoking >.<


109) Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 

iMy bestfriend.


110)Favourite lyrics right now? 

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood

Miss "no way it's all good"

It didn't slow me down.


111) Can you count to one million? 

Too lazy, I won't even do it when I have the time >.<



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