Graduation Night

So as the title suggests I was at my High School's graduation. I knew a lot of people Graduating and so I thought I should be there to see them graduate and become adults and blah blah blah.
Anyways, I was fine until I saw my friends (they're kinda like my brothers) walking down the steps in their caps and gowns... I was crying my eyes out like




And this girl next to me was like "are you okay?" and I was just like "Yeah my brothers are graduating and I'm so freaking proud of them."

and she was like "Aww"

Then my friend Eric saw me crying and he was like




Then after the Graduation I found one of my "brothers" that graduated and the minute I saw him I was like


Key & Taemin Happy Hug photo Shinee-KeyTaeminhappyhug.gif



And I screamed "YOU FREAKING DID IT!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU" and I started crying really hard again.





photo GIF-CryingJunsu.gif


He told me not to cry but I still did... Then my Geometry teacher Mr. Ihara made fun of me because usually I never cry and I'm super strong. I try to keep my emotions in check but sometimes (Graduation in particular) I just can't do it.


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KpopFan777 #1
That happened at my friends 8th grade graduation. I was fine until the dance came and I was talking to my close 8th grade friends. I just started crying and I'm usually pretty strong. I didn't think I was going to cry but in the end I did.