sad life .

so i found out how much of a loser i am through facebook.

no,it's not like i don't have any friends,i just found out i'm a loser TTUTT

i was stalking my ex-ex-ex crush on fb since i haven't been there in a long time,then i stalked his pics.He has abs,and he's 14.

K,my friend's bro's a creeper now.

anyways,then i saw how he met all of my friends,except me...

and then i looked back on my gallery,then i found out,I DID NOT HAVE ANYMORE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS.

even those on i followed on twitter aren't talking to me..


and now,on an unrelatable note,my friend's bro who's a creeper send me his number for whatsapp.

Dafuq just happened?well,i don't trust ppl easily,but guess it's time to make a new guy friend. /shrugs/


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