In The Process of writing the first chapter for The Fade!

So I thought I'd let my subscribers know what's going on with my new story The Fade. 
I am currently writing the first chapter, I don't think it's going to be done tonight, I need to read it back and change a few things and add more, It's the hardest I've worked on a chapter which is great because I want to give my subs good content. 
It should be done by this week, maybe tuesday or wednesday, I know it's taking a long time to just do a chapter but I want to give my subs the best first chapter. 
So I am nearly done with the chapter, I am probably only going to write 10 chapters unless the subs request me to continue the story. 

If you're new to The Fade, I will tell you roughly what it's about. 
The fade is a thrilling, romantic, angst love story.
Baekho, a confident, strong vampire falls in love with human Ren which is forbidden in Baekho's world. If the chantry ever found out, he'd spend eternity in hells way, a hell full of cages.

Ren's just an average guy, skilled in martial arts. His mother's death caused by a vampire attack has scarred him and motivated him into vampire hunting. His body is faster than a normal human and agility beyond striking. His day to day life leaves a love life out of the question.
Baekho and Ren are destined to be together within the forbidden world where Vampires, Lycans and much more lie in the dark.

hopefully you guys will enjoy it and I will link the story down below!! c:


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