TFA Chapter 6 - Sungjong's Forcefulness + The

This is just an explanation for why Sungjong was so 'OOC' in chapter 6 with the way he came on to Myungsoo (other than me just liking a dominant Sungjong). You can just skip to the summary at the bottom if you don't wanna read everything in detail.



Sungjong being forceful

Myungsoo could've still said no. As Sungjong said, he would've honestly stopped had Myungsoo told him he didn't want him to kiss him. But in the end, Myungsoo said yes. Yeah, the methods Sungjong used may've seemed kinda desperate/forceful, but that's because he was. He couldsee how everything was playing out between them: they were being 'friends' while doing things that weren't very friendship-like. Plus, after what Sungjong said about why they couldn't be together, he was pretty sure that Myungsoo was gonna try really hard to resist him. He didn't want to take Myungsoo's initial answer without giving him the chance to really ​think about it. So that's why Sungjong pushed him and basically said: "Okay, I'm just gonna give you an ultimatum: yes or no. Forget what I said before and just tell me what you really want so we can go from there without what I said before affecting everything."

He also really wanted to experience being with someone who loved him since he didn't think he would get the opportunity after being claimed by Sunggyu. Being as though he and Myungsoo seemd to have feelings for each other, it was a perfect situation that he wanted to take advantage of if he could. He still knows of the consequences, but now that he's more sure about his feelings than he was when Myungsoo first kissed him, he decides that he's willing to take the risk if Myungsoo is as well.



So this was my first time writing 'like this.' And what I mean by 'like this' was having it trying to be a mix between something detailed and something vague. After looking at the votes, I realized that most people wanted , but a few people didn't, while others didn't care. So taking that and the way I've written the story into consideration, I figured that I should try to write something not overly detailed as I've done in other stories. With that being said, when I think of , the aforementioned is what I think of. But I also think of extremely vague, yet affective things; However, that didn't really seem...involved enough, so I tried to go for something in-between. Because of that, I wasn't to sure what to mention and what words to say at certain points, so I went with what I thought best.

I was also trying to capture there being this love and gentleness there since it was their first time, and not something so totally y and passionate and everything . The key point is that it was their first time-  not in general, but together. They wanted it to be special. And they both enjoyed themselves because they could feel each other's affection and what they were doing was pleasureable as well. It wasn't as good as it could've been since they both had to be really quiet (especially Sungjong), but just the fact that they experienced that together was good for them. The next time they're together is a different story, but the love and trust and all that needed to be established first. That being said, I don't plan on writing any 'y-type' in this story for various reasons, though there may be mentions of it ( in general, not necessarily a specific type).  



Sungjong knew Myungsoo had some kind of affection for him despite being friends, so he tried to act on that (he wasn't completely sure it was love, but he had a hunch). At the same time, he gave Myungsoo a choice so that if he REALLY didn't wanna do it, they didn't have to. Therefore, the they had was more-so just letting Sungjong experience with someone he loved like he always wanted to. And Myungsoo was really gentle because it was their first time together and he wanted to be really careful. Any time after this though, and they'll probably be less...delicate with each other, even though at this time I don't plan to write anymore for the story.


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