Family day

So there's this family day for my family..


Woman/girls, biys/mans can participate in the arm wrestling. 4 match per person for woman. I lose 2 of the match. 6 match for guys


But did you know, the awkward moment ever when my MOM participate (she's cute little one with bright persona) and i was like WOW

And the more awkward when you have to had a match with your mom... 


So I won and I quickly held my mom's hand and kiss it

''I am very sorry'' I said



And.. My brother and my father had a match 

And I was like 'WTH. Is this competition tried to break my family or what?'

After winning the match, my brother held my father's hand and kissed his hand

Asking for forgiveness





OMG. When you have to had a match with your fragile (but strong) parents. xD. The awkward moment ever~


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