Welcome dear applicant!

AFF name: AmberFan14

How active are you: 10

I'm Mika, what about you?: Jamie



Name: Lee Sohuna

Nickname: She is call Huna by everyone that she know.

Stagename: Roses

Age: 20 years old

Blood type: B

Height: 160cm

Weight: 51kg

Personality: Sohuna is the source of fun and encouragement of her group, often making jokes, puns or pranks and being sarcastic most of the time. She has an ambiguous yet upbeat personality, but has often troubles remembering important  activities and announcements. Because of that, she constantly gets yelled at (and whacked) by her mentor. Sohuna  is always on the go and will stop at nothing for the success of the group, even when everyone else gives up. Sohuna  is very barefaced, sometimes audacious or even impudent, yet she never has any ill minds and usually apologises the moment after she went too far. On the other hand, she can't stop annoying everybody around her whenever the chance appears. Because of that, she has developed a certain endurance against her mentor hits.From time to time, Sohuna has  a very lazy personality as well. When it comes to practicing, she only thinks of having fun with her manger but she will still practice afterwards.In very few occasions, when the pressure is too high, she tends to give up and needs the help of her members and mentor to continue. When she becomes determined however, she can get her work done in no time. 

Sohuna has a tough front and would not cry easily. Her weak spot is seeing her friends cry and she would do anything to cheer them up, like denying the fact that she is crying too, despite it being obvious.  She also loves playing her guitar and singing despite being hardly willed to practice. Sohuna has a strong sense of confidence from an unknown source, although her confidence has often lead to the group's despair, such as when she made them lose their way to their dressing room. Although she usually acts boyish and childish, she sometimes shows her girly and shy side, for example when she was going to confess to her crush but when he turn around to look at her, Sohuna had ran off to hide.When Sohuna gets in a bad mood, the atmosphere gets really intense since it is completely against her nature. Despite her mostly immature behavior, she has in fact common sense, especially when her mentor. 

Background: When Sohuna became seriously ill after she was born, her biological parents left Sohuna on an young women door steps  because they did not want a ill baby.The young women,Eun,who adopted her as her "daughter" and named her Sohuna Lee.Sohuna was told that her "father" left them to marry another women after she was born and didn't know anything else about him. According to Sohuna, she was the only kid in her elementary school who didn't have a father, which has since made her curious about him. In school you could not find her without her brother because they was and still is super close.One Day, the two watched a concert on TV, which amazed them so much that they both wanted to be singers so they help each other practice so they can make it big.One day, she found her brother depressed on a playground. He told her that a composition he wrote at school won an award and that he has to sing it in front of a large audience. Because he was shy at nature, Sohuna helped him train for the performance. She told him to imagine the audience as pineapples to stay calm which actually helped him singing and rapper his text without problems.


  • Sweets
  • Pranks
  • Guitar
  • Video Games
  • Sports


  • Bully's 
  • Snobs
  • Liars
  • Ballet
  • Pork


  • Favorite Song is Davichi " Love and War"
  • Favorite Male Group is Infinite
  • Favorite Female Group is Sistar
  • Favaorite Soloist is Lee Hi
  • Favorite Color is Red
  • Wants to have 5 children
  • Idol Type is B2st Dongwoon
  • First kiss was in the 6th grade
  • Was at every infinite concert since their debut to support her brother

Appearence: Rainbow Woori

Back-up appearence: T-ara Qri


Casual- 1 2 3

Formal- 1 2 3

Dorm- 1 2 3

Aiport- 1 2 3

Training-  1 2 3


Adopted Mother | Lee Eun | 40yr | Nurse | Though she has a mature and gentle demeanor for the generality, Eun displays a totally different, completely authentic personality when she is alone with her kids or really angered. In reality, she is wild, lazy and quite an irresponsible mother who enjoys dressing up her children like baby dolls. She is sometimes rude without realizing it, which Hoya and Sohuna usually tries to correct her on. | They do not get along sometimes due to Sohuna's laziness and Eun always dressing Sohuna up. Despite that, Sohuna still loves her mother and will do anything to make her happy which Eun return to Sohuna. Eun has the complete authority over Sohuna when she gets angry, and she also scares Sohuna a lot by appearing out of nowhere.

Brother | Lee "Hoya" Howon| 22yr | Singer/ Infinite | Hoya seems to be a bit more mature than Sohuna, usually saying things like "Geez, be more careful next time" when he has to take care of the problems she caused. Despite his low self-esteem and modest attitude, he is extremely talented and not afraid to perform in front of a big crowd. He has a certain weakness for sweets and can be calmed down rather easily, sometimes just from being petted. Hoya has a very thoughtful side and often worries with himself being capable of being good enough to be in Infinite. | Hoya, as the older one, often plans activities with Sohuna like going to the cinema. Hoya is more than once troubled by Sohuna's forgetful nature and has to help her out in such situations. Despite lamenting over it, he is still somehow willing to do so.  Hoya still can be angry with her (seen when she laughed about him) and also has some authority over her as the older brother.

Best friends:

Kim Yunah | 19yr | Student in Teaching and Waitress | Yunah is the gentle and sweet one in her and Sohuna friendship.  Although she is a sweet and gentle girl, she is often weirdly entranced by the sight of two girls interacting too closely together, sometimes imagining something more risque in her head. She also has a habit of getting a little too enthusiastic about experiencing new things and always drag Sohuna with her.|Sohuna and Yunah have been friends since kindergarten. Due to this, they know everything about each other, with Yunah being the responsible one and Sohuna being the lazy one. Sohuna is always gentle towards Yunah, even when the latter embarasses herself, Sohuna comforts her instead of making fun about the situation, reducing the shame. They sometimes tends to snuggle up together before falling asleep. 


Lee "IU" Jieun | 20yr | Soloist | IU is a skilled, knowledgable, mature, dependable, and naturally cute person. Unlike her Sohuna, IU is mature, smart, responsible and can remember events well. She sometimes can be the person that always the person looking for fun and interesting things. If there is an opportunity involving such things, she would support it.  | IU first impression of Sohuna was that she was a clumsy, childish, and useless girl without a talent. But when Sohuna started to hang out with IU, she later stated that she misjudged her. IU acts more like the "older sister" of Sohuna, since she is more responsible and mature even though they are the same age. Sohuna even dedicates her very first song album that she wrote for IU.

Love interest:



Name: Lu "Lu Han"

Age: 23yr

Group: EXO

How you two met: Sohuna group had bump into EXO after EXO rehearsal and Sohuna had locked gaze with Luhan for an full minute which some of the members notice.

How you act around each other: Sohuna has an huge crush on Luhan because he is her bias in EXO but he do not return the feeling since he see her more like an friend despite know she has feelings for him.Since Sohuna try to spends a lot of time with Luhan so he can return her feelings, people that do not really know them assume they are an couple which make Sohuna happy and Luhan to disagree on but it does not work since he usually blush when that happen. Even though Luhan is friends with Sohuna, he sometimes mean to her so she can stop liking him even though his heart start to hurt if she look sad.


Back-up Love Interest


Name: Son "Dongwoon" Dong-Woon


Group: B2st

How you two met: Dongwoon and Sohuna groups were guests on the radio where Sohuna had to seat across from him.

How you act around each other: She holds a crush on Dongwoon even before they have met officially met. When she admits her feelings for Dongwoon, she pushes him to come to terms with his feelings for her even if it means that he hate her. Many times Sohuna teases Dongwoon in a erted-stalker way, causing Dongwoon annoyance. She regularly tells him that she likes him, but he brushes it off as a joke or harassment, calling her an "Crazy Fangirl". However, there is no doubt that he may have feelings for her , but refuses to acknowledge them unless she is with another guy.

Rival: Jeon "Hyosung" Hyosung

Age: 23yr

Group: Secret

Why are you rivals?: Sohuna and Hyosung like the same boy so they view each other as rivals and because when they first meet Sohuna had pulled a prank on Hyosung that made a pie hit her in the face.



My mentor


Name: Jung" Shin Hyesung" Pil Kyo

Age: 33yr

How he found you: When he was watching TV with Infinite as Guests, they had show an recent video of Sohuna and Hoya singing together which made Hyesung fell in love her voice. He spent aleast half an month trying to found her until she appear at a SHINHWA fan sigining so he ask her to be his student which she agreed to.

Trainee years: 1 1/2 years + Hyesung had trained Sohuna pretty hard so she could have a wonderful voice so that people can say that she was born with an angel voice. He made Sohuna sing for at least 2 hours but if she try to goof off ( Which was alot) then she had to sing for 5 hours and could not even stop to drink some water which made her try to be serious around him. If she did great at practice then he by them lunch and dinner but if she do bad then she have to but it which happen 35 percent of the time.

Position: Main Vocalist

Your relationship with him: Father-Daughter


You're almost done!

Fanclub-name suggestions?: 

  • Goddess
  • Legendary

Fanclub colour suggestions?:

  • Gold
  • Yellow

Debut single suggestions?: 

  • Fiestar " Vista"
  • Hello Venus " What You Doing Today?"
  • Dal Shabet " Bang Bang "
  • Crayon Pop " Saturday Night" 

Other?: Nope!

Requests?: A Kiss scene in the rain and Sohuna to perform "Troublemaker" with her crush member.



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