apocalypse☣ Application


application form -

please post your application as a blog and comment the link and the name you applied with :D. oh and delete brackets.
form start ;


let's get this out of the way:
username: lindsayr317
profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/44179
name: Lindsay

full name: Kwon Ayami
nickname: Aya
birthday & age: 7/31/2084; 17
blood type: O
height: 178cm
weight: 58kg
place of birth/hometown: Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: ½ Japanese, ½ Korean

fighting ability:
weapons of choice: Guns, spiked baseball bat

weapon skill:

Assembling weapons: 5

Knowing each part: 9

Ability to use: 6
position in the team: Assistant medicine
form of fighting: Karate, Judo

other skills/abilities:Always hits what she is aiming for; rarely misses

interview questions (answer these briefly):
how do you feel under pressure?: Ayami is usually pretty calm and collected but when under pressure for a long time she starts to crack.
how do you deal with life threatening situations?: She would panic for a couple minutes before becoming clam and trying to figure out if there was a way for her to get out the situation alive.
what would you do if you're stranded in an unknown place alone?: She would freak out and panic. She would eventually calm down and begin looking for food, water, shelter and a weapon to keep her safe.
are you good at strategizing under time constraints/pressure?: Usually yes but if totally stressed, her thoughts would start to mix and her thoughts would quickly disappear.
for this bit, rate yourself from 1 to 10 (1 meaning 'low' and 10 meaning 'high')
selfishness level: 2
tendency to panic: 7
ability to make strategies: 6
how much you care for your teammates/friends: 10
loyalty to your team members: 9
mirror mirror on the wall:

1.  http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/moon-ya-el/ya-el-ulzzang-9509

2.  http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/moon-ya-el/moon-ya-el-9782

3.  http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/moon-ya-el/ya-el-ulzzang-9510

4.  http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/moon-ya-el/moon-ya-el-7243

5.  http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/moon-ya-el/ulzzang-moon-ya-el-1379
name of ulzzang: Moon Ya El
backup: Hwang Ji Min; http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ln3tidu6IX1qjdwpqo1_500.jpg  
style: She likes jeans, t-shirts, tank tops and sweaters. She also wears shorts some of the time. She doesn’t like wearing skirts but wears dresses some of the time. She also dislikes wearing heels. For formal wear, she wears short to knee length dresses and puts up with heels (just to look nice). For pajamas she likes to wear either a nightgown or shorts and a t-shirt. When it’s really hot she sleeps in shorts and a tank top. Her exercise clothes usually consist of a tank top and sweat pants.





- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/59-seconds-59-print-fleece-hood-pullover-blue-one-size/info.html/pid.1023854961


- http://img4.promgirl.com/_img/PRODUCTS/180/PromGirl-644899309.jpg



- http://allwomenstalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/7-cute-victorias-secret-pajamas/victoria-s-secret-pink-bling-sleepshirt_7-cute-victorias-secret-pajamas.jpg

Exercise clothes

a closer look:
personality: Ayami is usually very shy and reserved. She is especially shy when meeting someone for the first time. When she is really scared she almost seems to forget to speak, which scares people around here. But when she is with her friends she is very bubbly and sometimes a little bit too loud. Ayami is very motherly and caring towards the people closest to her. She doesn’t get angry easily and doesn’t hold grudges. She can get very emotional when she gets angry though and it is usually hard to calm her down when she gets that way. Ayami is a very happy and giggly person. She is often told she is good listener but is sometimes told that she talks too much.


She is the person that everyone trusts and knows that she would never repeat anything said to her. She has never had many friends and never has had a boyfriend but she always seems to have the right advice to tell people with that kind of problem. Although she has always had only a few friends, they are always really close friends. She zones out a lot and always seems to stare at people’s faces when she’s zoned out. When Ayami gets lost she gets horribly panicked and when too panicked, she gets light headed. Although she is very good at medical things, the sight of blood makes her woozy. She learnt to deal with it because it would be horrible if the medical person was always passing out. Ayami loves to help people and especially loves being with little kids. She is very easy to please and gets excited over little things. Ayami is very stubborn sometimes and argue for hours just to be right. She has a very over active imagination and scares herself constantly.


background:Ayami had a normal childhood. She has never really bullied in school but she was made fun of because of her height. Everything went fine in her life until her parents decided to divorce. Her mother left and went back to Japan and married another man. Her father never remarried and raised his kids by himself. Ayami only sees her mother and stepfather once a year. When she got a scholarship for Ourania Prep Academy, she cut off all communication with her mother.

likes:sweet foods, baking, reading, little kids, eating, sleeping
dislikes: spicy foods, horror movies, ghost stories, bugs, rodents, reptiles
hobbies: reading, writing stories, running, baking

habits:says um, uh and hmm a lot, interrupts constantly, plays with fingers a lot
fears: sharks, ghosts


-she is always has some colour of nail polish on her nails

-favorite colour: silvery-purple

-when she’s reading she has trouble putting down books and stays up to odd hours in the night reading
-has scarily slow reaction time
family portrait:
father: Kwon Ji Wan (44): She has a very close relationship with her father. He would do anything for her. They relied on each for emotional support when the mother/wife left.
mother: Park Emiko (42): They had a close relationship until she left her family for another man. After that, their relationship became almost nonexistent, with both wanting nothing to do with the other.
step-father: Park Aoi (47): They surprisingly have a good relationship. People often mistake them for father and daughter,
siblings: Sunny(10): They get along quiet well. But like most siblings do, they get in a lot of fights. At the end of the day they are just like best friends instead of sisters.

other relatives: -

first choice: Kwangmin
what you think of each other:

Him: He didn’t really fully understand her at first. She seemed so shy but she was almost a different person with her friends. He was surprisingly drawn to her.

Her: She didn’t actually notice him at first because he always seemed to blend into the shadows. But when she did notice him she always got really shy in front of him. When he would say hi to her she would just smile shyly.

second choice: Dongwoo
what you think of each other:

Him: He didn’t like her at all at first. She was just too sweet and shy. But as he continued to see her personality flourish he started to unconsciously fall in love with her.

Her: She was drawn to him right away. But when she saw what kind of person he was she wasn’t attracted to him anymore. In the back of her mind he always sat beckoning her though.

other: -

brief personality:

Kwangmin: He is a mostly nice guy but has a cold exterior when he first meets someone. He likes to joke around with his friends. He knows when to be serious and when to be playful. He seems robotic with his emotions sometimes.


Dongwoo: He is usually a cocky guy. He seems to act like he’s the greatest thing that has ever happened to this earth. Under all of that he has somewhat of a kind heart. He always has a weak spot for a certain girl that makes him want to change who he is completely.

pinky promises:
close friends:




Amber: They met on the first day of school and have been inseparable ever since. They trust each other with their life.
Gikwang: He treats her like his little sister and she just goes along with it. They are always there for each other.Hyosung: They have a love-hate relationship. Most of the time they absolutely adore each other but some of the time they want to strangle each other. No matter how many fights they have, their friendship stays strong.
rivals: Hara

Hara: For as long as they can remember they haven’t liked each other. It’s not like they want each other to die. They just really don’t like each other.

closing remarks:
comments/questions/suggestions: -
the answer to five plus three is?: It is 8. But the answer to 8 is 2010

You may change things, I don't mind. I really hope you choose my application. =)


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TheHotDog #1
thank you for applying :D
can i make you a year younger? xD
and umm..amber is taken ):
sorry D: