
Why do I hate crying? . . . 
I have many reasons why . . . 
What does crying do? It relieves you, right? For me . . . it just makes me depress more. When I cry, I start to think about a depressing moment I had in the past that I suddenly remembered . . . 
But people see me as a happy person . . . Happy? Yes, I'm a happy person but . . they didn't know that behind those smiles and laughs were . . . sadness and lack of comfort. When I cry, I try to smile and tell them I'm fine because I don't want to be a burden for them or laughed sometimes. 
When there's a fight between my friends, I would be the only one who tried to smile and hid the sadness. But when I'm alone . . . I can't hold it anymore and cry alone under my blanket at night. 
And when I'm sick, I don't show it and tell them I'm fine, I don't feel sick. To my family. . . these days I never told them that I felt sick this morning and hid it. 
And I get hurt easily (that's what I hate about myself /sighs/) . . . even a tiny little word can hurt me.
"They stay infront of the villa and talkingflirting with some guys." 
. . I heard that from my bestfriend from my other best friend. First, I laughed it then . . . went in a dazed and . . cried. My friends were shock and told me to 'SHH. They might hear. SHH. Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry. She didn't say that to you." See? They don't want to see me cry because I rarely cry at school. Freaking RARE. I never cried infront of many people witnessing what's happening like a stupid show. 
I prefer being alone and ignore unimportant people and do my thing. I don't give on their s. That's why I don't approach much people because . . . there are people who . . . just smacked their faces on you when they need something. Like fuq? I do want to help but . . . no. 
I observe the people around before I approach them. They approach me and judge me.. suddenly. those fuqers.
. . . i'm sorry if im being too dramatic but i don't have anyone to comfort me at home because if I told them about this, they would rage and attack that person and I don't want to make a nonsense play. 
I share these stories to you guys . . . because you're the only people who can comfort and make me happy. ; _ ; The only people who can make me blush and encourage me while I'm still on vacation but still have problems. 
Anyway, I begun crying because I was reading a fic and it was soooooooooooooooooooooo freking sad that I can't stop crying but nah. XD 
(im not really an approachable kid at school bec. i just stare at them and turn away. kekekekekeke.
Some thought i was glaring or mad at them . . . like i just look at them with my normal stare  or . . . not? nevermind. XD and im not that sociable whatever. ) 


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I know how you fell I'm like that tooo!!, in school or at home with anyone first thing they know is I'm always a happy person but the truth is I'm not cause is all just sadness in me I'm like you if I cry I think about my past like what happen to me and when I'm alone too!!

So if you want someone to talk to you can talk to me I will listen