Shinhwa Application

AFF name: dongwanie

How active are you: [10]

I'm Mika, what about you?: Wannie♥♥





Name: Kim Raehyun

Nickname(s): Rhea, Rae

Stagename: Rhae

Age: 20

Blood type: O

Height: 170

Weight: 45

Personality: Raehyun is a very bubbly girl and she is also very positive this girl is heck of a yoga freak she loves to do sports she  even join the 100 meter marathon for women because she loves any type of sports. Her friends Totally love her she is very understanding she can be a sister to friend in need she is a type to help others first then herself even when she have a lot of problems she just smile it off and act like everything is okay but she is not okay. Raehyun tend to be a loading person she can't catch the situation fast some of her friends tell her that she is a clueless girl. Raehyun is very humble and polite girl. She have a very bad temper once she is provoked she will talk to herself and sometimes go crazy like singing in out of tune dancing sstanti dance just to release her anger. Raehyun actually wanted to be a singer but her parents told her that it is not a very good profession and told her to be a professional ballet dancer like them and told her if she wont become a ballet dancer than her parents wont care about her anymore, but Raehyun told her parents that she dont want to a ballet dancer and run away from home and work at the bar to sing songs to the audience. Raehyun may have a bad life but she is always positive and bubbly no matter what.

Background: Raehyun come from a middle class family her parents are very famous ballet dancer she is a singer in a bar called LOOK HERE THIS IS A BAR(i know it is a very weird name of a bar) Alot of audience would love to go to that bar because of her singing ability and she knows how to play alot of instruments.

Likes: She LOVES YOGA,Singing,Dancing,Rapping and MOST ESPECIALLY SPORTS

Dislikes: People forcing  what to do, Plastic people, Rude people,Bullies and Worms

Trivia: Her sign is an Aquarius, She knows any sports, she have two dogs named Choco and Berry, she loves scary stories, she is really good at sstanti dance and singing like a opera and doing ballet since her parents force her to become one but she didnt listen to them. She really addicted to exercising that is why she have a really good body poportion especially the tummy part.

Appearence:  Yoona

Back-up appearence:  Tiffany

Style: 1,2,3,4,5


Father: Kim Raewon |42| professional ballet dancer| Cruel and selfish only thinking about himself|Not Close since Raehyun was forced to do something she doesnt like and plus he wanted to abandon her.


 Mother| Hwang Sihyun | 40 | professional ballet dancer | Just like her dad but worst always scolding her for not doing the ballet steps right and if she wont get it right then she will not feed her anything for the whole day | Not Close and wanted to abandon her for not listening to her

Sister| Kim Hyorin| 21 |Singer| Super nice and supportive to Raehyun ever since she ran away her sister would visit her to the bar time to time | They are like bestfriends,Hyorin always support her younger sister and sometimes teaches her how to sing

Best friends: Woori | 27| Singer| Very nice and she is really a good older sister bestfriend ever | Going shopping, Exercising alot to have a very nice body and doing ballet in freetime.

Friends: L.Joe | 20 | Singer | Super friendly and understanding | Brother-Sister relationship


Love interest:



Name: Kim Dongwan

Age: 34

Group: Shinhwa

How you two met: @LOOK HERE THIS IS A BAR when Raehyun was singing

How you act around each other: Dongwan thinks of Mentor-Student relationship but he has this mix feelings that he doesnt understand and Raehyun has a very big crush on him ever since and she was very happy to know that Dongwan was her mentor


Back-up Love Interest


Name: Lee Gikwang

Age: 20

Group: B2st

How you two met: At the Ballet Center

How you act around each other: Sister and Brother Relationship

Rival:  Hyomin

Age: 20

Group: T-ara

Why are you rivals?: She tend to be overly proud and used to make bad scandal on Raehyun



My mentor


Name: Kim Dongwan

Age: 34

How he found you: He found me at LOOK HERE THIS IS A BAR and told me personally that he want to be my mentor and told me that i have a wonderful voice i sang this song I Never Told You  and told me that i need to practice more songs on pop and a little rock.

Trainee years: Practice on how to sing pop like this song Good girl,Wannabe and little song with rap like famous singer Tasha and basics and adavance notes of vocals.

Position: Vocalist and Visual

Your relationship with him: For Dongwan Mentor-Student relationship but he has this mix feelings that he doesnt understand and for Raehyun Big Crushing


You're almost done!

Fanclub-name suggestions?: idk sorry 

Fanclub colour suggestions?: pale orange?

Debut single suggestions?: Lee Hyori U-go girl

Other?: ??

Requests?: Is it okay if i fell in love with my own mentor hehehe i want that my mentor will always treat me like a student even though i am giving signs that i have a big crush on him and later he will realize that i have crush on him :D hehe( Is it to much i am soo SORRY :( hehehe i am a major fan of Dongwan hehehe :D just by the name of my account hehehe :D fighting)



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