❝maxstyle application form. | Jooyeon

the application!


 greetings from pluto

username ¦ tamikq234

activiness ¦ 10


 let's learn the basics

character's name ¦ Nam Jooyeon

nickname(s) ¦  Yeon-nie: Called by my family as a pet name for my real name. | Joo: My friends usually calls me this because they are to lazy calling out my whole name.

age ¦  17

birthdate ¦  09/06

birthplace ¦ Chungcheong, South Korea

hometown ¦  Chungcheong, South Korea 

ethnicity ¦  Full Korean

blood type ¦ B

height ¦  163cm.

weight ¦ 53kg.

uality ¦ het.

languages ¦ Korean: Native, Japanese and English: Learning 


▬  dayum, you're looking good

first faceclaim ¦ Lee Eun Ji

links ¦ one | two | three | four |five

backup faceclaim ¦Song Ah Ri

links ¦ one two three four | five

style ¦ 

My style is pretty simple, I like clothes that are comfortable to wear but yet have a cute style. I love graphic tees with different kind of characters, patterns, and wording on them. I don't like revealing my body so I tend to wear skinny jeans and leggings under my shorts. The only thing I would probable wear dresses without leggings. I like wearing all kids of shoes, wedges, heels, flats, and sandals. 

Casual: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight

Training: one | two | three | four | five

Dorm: one | two | three | four | five

Sleepwear: one | two | three | four | five

Formal: one | two | three | four | five

extra ¦ n/a


▬  let's talk about you

personality ¦

I was never the type to judge other. everyone have there own differences so why judge? I'm an open-minded kind of person but I can be quite a inconsiderate person. I'm very honest and blunt, speaking my mind without holding back. Wheather what I'm saying is hurtful but always know that I always says thing for a good reason and not because I want to hurt you. Once I start something I must finish it no matter what. I have a short temper and I can hold a grudge for a really long time.

I have a playful side but I know my limits. I have a tendency of whining when thing isn't going the way I want it to or when I can't get what I'm want. Someone once told I'm a selfish person but as I think about I can be sometimes. Its my way or the highway. I always want the attention on me, not in a bad way but it just because I'm insecure about myself. If people don't look at me with full awe I feel as though I'm not good enough or no one likes me. 

Behavior onscreen:   

I keep my personality the same when I'm onscreen though I become more playful than usual. I don't like doing aegyo though, it totally embarassing though the camera can usual capture my 'aegyo moment' when I'm whining to the members or I am doing it naturally without noticing. I like to make jokes and have everyone laughing, it bring joy to me knowning I can make other laugh at my jokes. I will not hestiate to hit (playfully) when the oppas/unnie or the dongseang annoys me in front of the camera. 


When backstage it all depends on what is there to do. I usually like roaming the hallways greeting the sunbae and shameless advertise Maxstyle. Sometimes I would go to room of the sunbae that I know and talk to them until it was time for us to go. Other time I stay in our room to practice my lines and dancing so I wouldn't mess up when I'm on stage. 


When I'm infront of my family I became the maknae that I am infront of them. I'm very respectful to the elders because that how my parents taught me. In front of oppas I would whine to them so I can get what I want. But when I'm in front of my friends it all depends on the gender. If they are girls I will turn into a gossip girl and we'll talk about one thing to another but they are guys I automactic turn into 'one of the guys' being playful, joke around and play basketball with them.  I am very protective of my friends and fmaily if they ever need I will always be the first to have their back. 


I'm very shy when it come to meet new people. I never one to take the initate to talk frist but once you talk to me and we hit off I'll become one of your bestest friend. I get intimidated easily, so if you're really scary looking I will try my ebst to avoid you. I become very awkard at frist meeting and many had believed I'm  a weirdo, which I'm not. 

background ¦

I grew from  a well off family that consist of my parents, my two older oppas and myself as the youngest. Our family own a resturant, Meog&Sam. My oldest brother, Boohyun, is a chef while my second oldest brother, Woohyun, is an idol like me. Our parent didn't like the idea of us becoming idols but we work hard to show them that what we had choosen was a stupid idea. I had decided to become a singer after Woohyun-oppa had became a trainee at Woolim. He had influenced me since I was little since he had always sang around me but as I grew up I became more interested in hiphop and started to learn how to rap. 

likes ¦ sleeping, shopping, graphic tees, bubble tea, sports, sweets, movies 

dislikes ¦ bugs, liars, judgemental people, needles, hospitals/clinics, real-life drama.

fears ¦ needles

hobbies ¦ basketball and playing instrments 

habits ¦

- Pouts or cries when I'm upset or frustrated.

- Clean when I'm mad.

- When I wake up I like to stay in bed a little longer before get out of bed and sometimes would fall back to sleep accidently. 

- I would aways drink a glass of milk before gooing to sleep. 

trivia ¦

- Nam Woohyun of Infinite is my oppa. 

- I'm a light sleeper.

- I usually wear glasses when theres no schedule and just pop in contact when there is. 

- I like kimbap and kimchi the most.

- I grew in a  house full of chef, so I'm good at cooking to.

- My family own Meog&Sam.

- I don't go anywhere without my phone or my ipad. 

- I have a dimple on my right cheek and I used to have braces. >click<

internet ¦

Instagram: NamNamPrincess

Me2Day: JooYeon626(nam)

scandals/rumours ¦ ( optional lol. i just love these things. xD )


▬  ohana means family

parents ¦  

Father - Nam Taehyun - 50 - Manager& chef at Meog&Sam - Appa is a very quite and resevere person but he is very protective of us. He also had a hard time expressing himself to us, but as his family we understand. - alive

Mother - Nam (Lee) Iseul - 46 - Co-Manager at Meog&Sam - Umma is a very outgoing person. Her happy and bubbly personality is her best qualities. She acts childish at times and is a total opposite of appa. She is very hardworking and is never on to give up easily. - alive

sibilings ¦ ( relationship - name - age - occupation - personality - dead/alive/unknown - idols are allowed but must be realistic like jessica and krystal are a deal sth lol eue )

Oldest brother - Nam Boohyun - 24 - Owner&Head Chef at Meog&Sam - Oppa is very a very uptight person and is very strict, his way goes. He can be care-free at times but that rarele happens. Oppa is a very protective person when it comes to people he cares aboiut and he would never give up on them. - alive

2nd Oldest brother - Nam Woohyun - 22 - Idol - Woo-oppa is a weirdo. In fornt of other he might seem like a fun loving byuntae but behind the scene oppa is a bully. He is too playful and tend to tease me alot. Throughout our childhood oppa would always bully me. He's get all naggy and annoying to but he is very caring and always think of other first. - alive

others ¦ n/a


▬  par/\ners in crime ehehe

best friends ¦ 

Lee Yooyoung - 18 - Idol - Unnie is a very unpredictable person and everything that she do will keep you on your toes. Unnie is very cute, her eyesmile will melt anyone heart instantly. She is very caring and was always there for which I am truly thankful.  Unnie might seem like a weak girl but once you cross her boudaries be aware.


friends ¦

Yoo Changhyun (Ricky) - 18 - Idol - Hyunnie is a very playful person. I tend to bully him for fun because though he might seem like he a meanie he would never do anything to me. He's very loud and a big trouble maker. You can find him in all kind of troubles. Changhyun is accident-prone so he tend to worry us alot. 

Oh Sehun - 19 - Idol - Sunbae had always been a very shy person any avoid people so much that he was dubbed as the Ice Prince of SOPA. He don't let just anyone into his world, he pretty pick and chose who. I met him during my frshmen at SOPA we had this one class together where upper classmen and lower classmen were mix in one class, he barely even notice me and i was his deskmate. But after awhile when he got used to me he slowly opened up and became more lively.

▬  it's a love-hate relationship

rivals ¦ 

Song Hanjin - 19 - H2MEnt. trainee - She a very competitive person to the point she became a real B. Though she might have any bad intention, people misjudge her. She have her caring side when she want to show her true self. - Friendly rivalry: Hanjin might have made my life a living hell because she thinks I'm threat to her, but I can see deep in her eyes there's loneliness, a girl who just want to be notice for her talent. 

▬  let me love you down

first love interest ¦ Do Kyungsoo  - 20 - Idol

personality ¦

Kyungsoo is real neat freak. He very quite and does like talk to people who are out of his comfort zone. He is very quick-minded and smart. Kyungsoo is much of an attention sneaker, my exact opposite. He very mature and joke around once in a blue moon. He always have his way with people, he can possibly melt the world most cold hearted person easily. He is very understanading and it seem he can see through my soul. 

first meeting ¦ ( how you guys met. the cliche bumping into each other or the crazy falling into his/her arms after jumping off a building? x3 ) 

We met at a bubble tea shop I like to go to. I once brought Sehun-sunbae with me there and he seem to like it so it wasn't a  surprise when I saw him there with his hyungs. I went up to greet him and the Exo-sunbaes as well. I was invite by Suho-oppa to sit with them and I did, sitting nect to Kyungsoo, the whole was talking about random things and getting to know each other more.

status ¦ friends

backup love interest ¦

Choi Jonghyun (Changjo) - 17 - Idol 

personality ¦

Jonghyun comes off as a very quite person, he doesn't seem to like talking.  Yet he become very playful when he is around his hyungs. He a perfectionist and always make sure his dancing is in place. Jonghyun always feel as though other are judging him so he tend to distant him and had became self-conscience of himself. 

first meeting ¦

Everyone know TeenFinite is true. I met Jonghyun through Woo-oppa. They were had a special stage together and was practicing at Woomlim Company so when I went to visit I had came across Teentop-sunbae and a very loud Ricky who was screaming my name. 

status ¦ friends 

scene request ¦

- Hanjin and Jooyeon got into a fight/arguement because Hanjin did something, D.O stopped the fight and misunderstood Jooyeon as a bad person while Hanjin as a good person.


▬  get out of my spotlight

stage name ¦  June (Joo/month of birth)

persona ¦ Violent Jokester

position ¦ main rapper, sub vocalist

backup position ¦ main vocal, sub rapper

fanclub name ¦  DareDevils(Crew)

fanclub colour(s) ¦ DDCrew(#990099񑘕)

singing twin ¦ 

rapping twin ¦ Hyuna

dancing twin ¦ 

other jobs ¦ MC&Actress


▬  before people knew about me

trainee years ¦ 3

trainee life ¦ 

Life as a traine was very hard. Intense vocal and rapping trainings and dance lessons everyday, not including that I have to balance schooling as well, was the hardest thing I did in my life. Three whole year I have to go through this. I made many friends except for people who believed they were better than everyone else. Song Hanjin had been my worst enemy since I started my life as a trainee. She made sure it her daily routine to bully me, harass me and push me here and there. 

got in by ¦

After Woo-oppa debut, I have decided to audition myself. I came across H2 Media Company when I saw that they was having an audition around where I was at so I decided to take my chance. 

audition in 2010 with change. 

previous companies ¦ n/a


▬  the end

anything else ¦ Hi! I just want to Good Luck! Also I have a tendency of add more thing later on, I hope you don't mind. I will let you know if I do so tho! 

suggestions ¦ ( anything from debut concept to others etc. )

I think you should check out RJee Mashups.  

Something really upbeat.

Concept: Love at first sight? 

password ¦ Wow Mirror


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