the doll from the doll master and doll hunters

~ Doll Application Form ~



AFF Username:kpoploverlee
Activeness: 7.5

About You

Your name: kim hee sun

Your age: 26

Your gender: female

Your height: (doll) 12 inches (human) 5.7 feet

Your powers:

1. singing (can be just for fun or to kill by screeching or spell casting)

2.  gun shooting/perfect aim  (up to 7 miles)

Your likes:

1. food

2. excercise

3. music

Your dislikes:

1. stupid people

2. when there is nothing to do

3. storms

Your specialty:

1. singing

2. running

3. shooting

What you like about your master:

1. how she lets me keep doing stuff

2. the fact that she's nice

3. the fact that she is not too strict

4. she is soo kind


Background History:

Long time ago there was a wolf and a human that fell in love. Because they fell in love, they had a child, but the child was cursed with a different kind of curse, a curse that involved the future. That child grew up as the first werewolf, and had children, but the clidren didnt carry the curse untill the 333th generation. the first child of the 333th generation was kim hee sun. Kim hee sun's curse was, that she would become a doll instead of a werewolf whenever they changed.

she was born to a single mom (who was human). the father (the werewolf) left, knowing that the child was the cursed doll/werewolf. she was born as the doll, so her mother was scared to death (litteraly). for 20 years after, she lived in an orphanage, where she was (persecuted) bullied. she ran away, being of age and vowed to revenge all the people hurt by the humans. so then the master found her and took her in




How you look like as a person/human:




Your actual doll form:





Your rival: Lay
Your best friend:
Your lover:
kim hyun joong (he falls for the human hee sun, not knowing she's a doll, he regrets it when he finds out, tries to kill himself, but she saves him)


Any special requests:nope
Final comments:
hi!!! its my 3rd, my last....T.T



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hallo~ you have been chosen~
wah~~ i didn't even noticed that it was your third app until i checked the comments~ congrats on having all three of your apps ACCEPTED~