Oh my god!! I've finished writing 'Blame It On The Alcohol'!! But, I'm not done posting. I'm going semi-fast with the updates, but I still want there to be a break in between, you know? But, I've finished my first fan fiction! :D It's a little bittersweet.. I'm really happy with how it turned out and I hope you guys like it too. <3

I'm writing MAINLY SuJu these days and I haven't been paying attention to poor 'Hidden Girl'. But, I'm working on it. 

If you guys didn't notice, I deleted 'We Hate Each Other'... Yeah. I know.  I HAVE A REASON! Much like 'The Sun Shines in Seoul', I hated the way I took it. I really hated it. So, I deleted it all together. Going back and reading it, it's a ty story anyway :D Very general. There's too many of those 'hate then love' stories. So, I deleted it. Forgive me? :)

But, since I've finished BIOTA (*tear*), I've decided to start writing out plans for a new fan fic! But, I need your help. I need you guys to decide for me:) 

Go ahead and vote! If you have any troubles (I tend to have issues with polls on mobile), then comment. 


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