White Wing Angel's Academy - ignore !


-Profile Name-

AFF Name: loveyourself

AFF link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/46216 


-Character's Info-


Name: Kim Hae Ri


Appeareance: http://data.whicdn.com/images/15544809/tumblr_ls3lnkYLHq1qh8syro1_500_large.png 


Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong


Age: 17


Etnichity: Korean


Birthdate: 14/06/1994


Personality : Haeri is a nice and kind girl who is friendly towards others, especially her friends. It's really easy to be friends with her, as she is good at cracking jokes and makes people feel comfortable. She likes to cheer up people. Almost every week, she will get tons of love letters and gifts like chocolates and flowers from her admirers. It's not that she doesn't appreciate them, but she hates to give people chances when she doesn't so; eventhough people thinks she is heartless, she will throw the gifts and burn the letters away without opening them. And when she's angry, she will shout a lot and kick everything in sight. She will calm herself down by playing her guitar or listening to music very loudly. She's a girl who doesn't care much about her appearance to others. She will eat, sleep and do everything like she does; she hates faking. She really dislike boys trying to flirt with her with romantic charms and Shakespearean acts, eventhough she likes to watch romantic movies and read shoujo mangas. She will give them her famous 'Starlight Kick' to them without mercy. She named that kick from her favourite anime she watched. So she have two different personalities, one when she is normal, and one when she is annoyed or angry.


Likes :

  • Chocolate (not from boys though)
  • Anime and manga
  • KPOP
  • The rain
  • K-dramas
  • Guitar and piano
  • Black and white
  • Sleeping
  • Pranking other people
  • Books
  • Ice-cream
  • Sweet food
  • Harry Potter

Dislikes :

  • Smoke
  • Arrogant and annoying people
  • Ants
  • Know-it-alls
  • Flirty boys
  • Her admirers
  • Faking

Hobbies :

  • Listening to music before she goes to bed while reading Harry Potter
  • Multi-tasking when she's online
  • Dancing and playing musical instruments
  • Swimming

Trivia :

  • Can stay up until morning if she's online or watching dramas or movies.
  • Be quiet and freeze at the spot if she heard any musical instrument playing, especially piano or violin.
  • She can do aegyo without realizing it, but when she really tries it, it doesn't work.
  • Can eat a lot of food in a short period of time.
  • Really really loves chocolate.
  • When she wants to cry, she will look at the sky at night and tears will flow down her face. Or she will walk in the rain. If both doesn't happens, she will go somewhere where no one is around and cry.
  • She won't cry to anyone unless they're really really important to her.
  • "Rules are meant to be broken" is her motto.









Father: Kim Minhyuk - 49 - The president of Gangsan Group. He is a cool and responsible father that cares for his children.


Mother: Kim Joo Ah - 42 - Died - Died in a car accident when Haeri was 4 years old. 


Siblings : Kim Hae Min - 14 - He is Haeri's kind, responsible and somewhat reckless younger brother. He and Haeri always do most things together when they were little. Now, Haemin is in a private boarding school and Haeri rarely sees him. 


Your previous life : Haeri went to a private arts academy near her house. She was like any other girl in her school; she studied, hang out with her friends, chatting, listening to music, breaking rules and such.  She had a childhood friend, Cho Kyuhyun. He was her father's friend's son, and had a sister. Haeri and her sister didn't see eye to eye, but it didn't stop Haeri being friends with Kyuhyun. He was her best friend, from childhood to entering the academy. Then Haeri found out that Kyuhyun liked a girl, Seohyun. Haeri and Seohyun were schoolmates when they were in high school, but she didn't know much about her. When Kyuhyun knew the fact that she knew Seohyun, he immediately started to ask Haeri all bunch of things about Seohyun and such. Eventhough she was annoyed and jealous (though she denies it), she helped Kyuhyun to try and make Seohyun his girlfriend, as he was her friend. But on Kyuhyun's 17th birthday, Haeri met her death before she could even go to his house.


-Academy Life-


How did you die : When Haeri was walking to Kyuhyun's house, a man kidnapped her and asked for money. When he saw the expensive gift Haeri bought for Kyuhyun, he tried to take it but Haeri struggled and tried with all her might to not give it to him. In the end, the man took a knife and stabbed her right at her heart. 


Your abilities : 

  • Controlling the fire element
  • Conjuring things out of thin air
  • Enter someone's dream
  • Break something when she's angry or feeling strong emotions


Friends : OCs


-Love Life-


Your lover's name : Cho Kyuhyun - Super Junior


His / her personality : Before Haeri's death, he was a cheerful, friendly, warm and a bit dorky-like person. He always like to join Haeri in pranking people. He met Haeri when their fathers introduced them to each other; for Seohyun, he met her in his vocal class in the academy. He had a crush on her, and asked Haeri for help as she knew Seohyun. After Haeri died, he still have his crush on Seohyun, though it had lessen a bit. He blamed himself for Haeri's death, because he persuaded Haeri to come early to his house. He became slightly cold and quiet and always like to be alone. 


His / her life's problem : When he met Haeri again (in angel form), he was ecstatic. When she aked him what's his problem (it's not that she doesn't know him; she still remembered that Kyuhyun had his crush on Seohyun, but she hoped that he had other problems to solve), he said he wanted to make Seohyun his girlfriend. Although Haeri was relunctant, she helped him anyway. 


How you solved his / her problems : She gave him tips, sometimes watching him, or Seohyun secretly, told him what he needed to improve himself and tried to make him happy. Then, she found out that Seohyun was already engaged to her parents' choice, Jung Yonghwa. She hid this from Kyuhyun, though, as she knew that Kyuhyun would be heartbroken. On his date with Seohyun (the one when he'll tell Seohyun his feelings), Haeri gave him the final tips before going back to the academy.


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