[30/5/13] : It Hurts || Personal Blog

When you see a friend that's been in your life ever since elementary school, do you say hi or do you ignore them?
When you see your crush from elementary school, do you say hi or ignore them?
I have someone that means a lot to me that I met in the third grade. I started liking that person since around the fifth grade.
Tell me.
Should it hurt, when that person doesn't say hi?
What about if that person doesn't even spare you a glance when you guys cross paths?
This happened just about half an hour ago to me. Wlaking home from Starbucks with friends, I was on my way home. I got closer to my house, and near the turn-in, I saw him. I glanced at him a couple times, but it was as though he was completely ignoring me.
I want to tell him "Hi", but with my shy personality, I couldn't, mainly because we haven't communicated ever since our sixth grade promotion.
Trust me, I'm trying to let go, seeing that he has a girlfriend and all, but...
...everytime I see him, my feelings rush back to me.
I honestly don't know what to do anymore.


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VickyYoungmin #1
I know how you feel. Happens everyday with the guy I really like.
OUCH man. maybe he was just waiting for you to say hi first? anyway, comforts buddy. ^_^