Problems? Ain't nobody got time for that

Okay hi, xD 

i know I have neglected my two stories and man I feel bad. It's not because I wanted to neglect it, honestly I don't 

i would sit at my computer or on my iPad and just stare at the douctument.. I got nada.. It's like your inspiration and motivation just went poof

Its like a really bad case of writers block but it just won't go away. 

It happened with Comeback and couple other stories which I will get back to writing them again but gah I just hate myself right now. 

Especially now that I havea couple new plots in my head I want to write. More one that I feel is going to be intense but I'm hesitate to post it because people might get a wrong idea from it 

thats what I get by watching to much history channel well t.v in general and be so fasinieted with the backstory on Assassins creed. Plus reading Angels and Demons .. :/ 

Yea the story is based off historical events but in a really fictional way. But like I said Pepe these days they just love to attack other people for the smallest things. I know my friends and readers won't but ya know.. So I might just post the summery first and see what others think I guess >~< 



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