❝tango&fortress;❞ ¦ woolim's new co-ed ¦ tangtress

















Let's Start!        




Name: Lee Dayoung

Nickname: Younggie, Kid/Kiddo, JingJing (Whiner), Maknae (both at home and in the group)

Stage Name: Dayoung

Age: 17

D.O.B: August 09, 1995

Nationality: Full Korean

Language: Korean; Fluent, Japanese; Semi-fluent, English; Learning

Place of Birth: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Hometown: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea


Oh That Beautiful Face    




Ulzzang you used: Hong Young Gi 


1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Back up ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye


1 | 2 | 3 


Weight: 41kg / 90lb

Height: 146cm / 5ft


How's Life?                       




:Personality: -- 

I'm the type of girl who like to be playful and teases others. Many say I have a good sense of humor because I can always seem to make them laugh at my corny jokes or from the darnest thing I say can have them rolling on the floor laughing. I likes to help others if they ever need any kind of help. Giving good advices is one of my main qualities, many of my friends like to come to me for advices. Sometimes I can be an outgoing person but other time I can feel intimidated and become shy. Those who knows me well will know that I'm a ball of energy that can't be tame. I can get so hyper and not even myself know how.

When it come to school, I'm a good student but I am a major procrastinator. I also have a short attention span, so it can be hard for me to pay attention to things sometimes or I can change the subject easy from one thing to other. Yet I can be very quick minded and can think anything throughly. I also have a smart mouth and a mind of a wise guy. Whenever I'm in  heated agrument I'm always the one with the last words. I have a short temper but I easily forgive and forget. I like to act cute but even when I'm not the oppas/unnies tend to tell me that I'm adorable. I like to whine alot when I want something. I never one to give on things that are to my liking, if I want it I get it. 

:Background: --

Growing up Gyeonggi-do wasn't much of a difficult task for me. Living with my parents and two older brother was what I consider the life, even though I sometime want to strangle my oppas but its ok. Though I live quite a boring life of going to school and coming back home everyday until the weekends where I can get a little more freedom. Appa and umma were never one to be untight and have their kids on a lock down at home, so every weekend we are allow to go out and have some fun. Sometime oppas and myself would go together to movie theater or to the mall, while other times we would hang out with our friend.

Growing up oppas and myself were known as the 3-Lee or the 3 muskteers because always seem everything together. Since I was the youngest out the three of us, my oppa tend to be over-protective of me. I influence to become a singer by many people around me, especially after Sungyeol oppa became a trainee at Woolim. Many of friends plays intruments, dance and sing. I even begged my parents to send to music school, they agreed after much whining. We have smile members who are in the entertainment industry but oppas and myself don't use them to gain our own popularity. 


  • watching shows
  • comics/manhwas
  • sleeping
  • pink
  • dogs
  • ice cream
  • chocolate
  • orange juices
  • coffee > Starbucks!


  • veggies
  • reading
  • studying
  • bugs



  • playing my instruments
  • singing
  • rapping
  • taking pictures
  • basketball
  • american football


  • checking time constantly while in class
  • clean when upset
  • cry when upset or frustrated
  • wiggle my nose when it stuffy


  • bloodtype: B
  • favorite color: pink
  • I have a weak immuse system = getting sick easily.
  • Infinte's Sungyeol's baby sister.
  • Likes to use aegyo.
  • Even after puberty, I never lost my chubby cheeks.
  • Daeyeol is known as the straight A's kid while Sungyeol oppa and myself are the average ones.
  • I have family in the entertainment industry. 


  • bugs
  • needles


  • backstabbers


Quality Family Time               





Mom|Han Iseul|43|Co-owner of a fruit store|Alive|Good|Umma is the sweetest women you'll ever meet in your life. She is very caring towards everyone and likes greet everyone with her welcoming smile. She is not a loud type of person and tend to speak softly. Umma is very loving who is a big supporter in whatever her kids is doing. Umma likes to keep a watchful eye on us because knowing that we are safe keeps her heart ease. 


Dad|Lee Daegoon|47|Own a fruit Store|Alive|Good|Appa is the joker of our family, along with Sungyeol oppa that is. Appa is never one to be uptight and like to have fun. He's a carefree person and is a very loud person at that. He also is a jolly person, always smiling with wrinkles at the tales of his eyes. Appa is strict when it comes to schooling though and expect us to bring home the good grades. 


Lee Sungyeol|22|Idol-Infinite|Alive|Yeol-ppa is a also the joker of our house. He is very loud and tend to squeal loudly when he is being scared. Oppa is the one who shows his protective side when it comes to me, he would probably stalk me if he have to. Oppa likes being surround by many of his friends and is very caring toward them. Sometime oppa does thing that makes him the most adorrable person ever. He is very palyful and act as though he is still in kindergarden.


Lee Daeyeol|20|Woolim's Trainee|Alive|Dae-oppa is the quite of the three of us, he would go along with what we are doing but never really say anything. He have his playful when he wants to but tend to to me the mature one. He the one who is protective of me but never really shows it, he would without me noticing. He is very caring and loving. He is very smart and tend to help me with me school work. Oppa have very corny jokes that can never make me laugh.




Best Friends Forever        




Bestfriend|Lee Miso|17|Singer[GLAM]|Miso is a very sweet dongsaeng, by two months. We both have a playful nature, so we like to tease and joke around with each other. She is an understanding person and doesn't like advantage of other. Thoguh she does use her ageyo to get things from me or the other GLAM unnies. Miso has always been there for me through thick and thin.



Friend|Yook Sungjae|18|Vocalist[BtoB]|JaeJae is a loser, period. He can come of as a very awkward person but once you get to know him he is very funny. He always do stupid things that will make you fall out of your chair laughing. Sungjae is sweet though and is very caring when it comes to people he truly cares about. 

Friend|Yoo Changhyun|18|Vocalist[Teentop]|Changhyun is a very loud and obnoxious guy. He is very talkative and can't seem to shut up. He always whine in which is very annoying. Even so, oppa is a very funny guy and can always bring a smile on your face. He also a very good listener though he doesn't seem like it.



I Love You     




Love Interests: 

Kim Jonghyun (JR)|17|Nu'est|JR is a guy who is always happy,accoding to the Nu'est it very to see him mad about anything and that he always smiles. Jonghyun have a very laid back and care free personality, though he is a perfectionist. Everything must be nicely prepare before being presented. He once said he likes to tease people around, in a joking manner that is. 

Choi Jonghyun (Changjo)|17|Teentop|Changjo is a very awkward guy, he doesn't really talk much. He likes to bully Ricky, it consider to be his entertainment. He also is a perfectionist and always make sure his dance step are in place. He is very self-conscience with himself and always fear other will judge him.


Ideal Type of personality:Someone who is mysterious. A guy who looks cold and to himself but really is a dorky kind of guy.

Personality you hate: Someone who take advantage of a girl's heart.


You're a Trainee          






How many years of training you did: 4 years

How you became a trainee: I was scouted while visiting Yeol-oppa at Woolim. We were sitting the cafeteria and was fooling around singing to song that came on over the radio. I was rapping while oppa was singing, as i was rapping a manager came up and ask if I wanted to join Woolim.

Life as a trainee: Life as a trainee was no joke. Everyday we have to attend intense vocal trainings, dance lessons and rap training. During my time as a trainee, I've missed my family alot. Yeol-oppa was off on a debut with Infinite oppas so i don't get to see him much. Balancing school and training was hard, I nearly quit school but I know I can't. I was usually bullied by the other trainees due to my petite body and shorten height. I never really told anyone about this and suffered alone. Though I did make some friends, I mostly kept to myself and work my hardest to reach the top hoping for a chance to debut soon.

Stage name: Dayoung

Persona: The Playful Youngster






Tango one

  • Leader/Vocalist
  • Main Rapper[taken]
  • Main Vocalist/Rapper
  • Vocalist/Main Dancer
  • Dancer/Vocalist
  • Visual/Vocalist
  • Maknae/Vocalist


Queen of the Fortress

  • Leader/Vocalist
  • Main Vocals/Visual
  • Dancer/Vocals
  • Main Rapper/Dancer
  • Maknae/Rapper

Position you want: Maknae/Rapper

Band Sub-Unit: Queen of Fortress


It's all about you        




Personal Fanclub Name: Youngsters(for younger fans) and Oldheads (for older fans)

Personal Fanclub Color: #cc00ff 

Motto: "Its faith to take chances."


Rival: Yooyoung (hello venus)


We're Done    




You've done great!

Comments: Hope evrything is ok, please let me know if there are mistakes. 

Suggestions?: n/a

Tango One:

Concept: Bad Break-Up 
- Lights Go On Again : Beast
- All Day I Think Of You : 2pm
- 0330 : UKiss
Concept: First Love
- What A Girl Wants : 4minute
- Be My Baby : Wonder Girls (kor&eng version)

- Do You Want A Cup Of Tea? : Hello Venus

- Luv Virus : Skarf


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