this is so random ;;

Do you ever get like

you're laughing so hard

that no noise comes out?

You sit there clapping your hands

like some retarded seal

and all your friends look at you like

"what the actual-?"

This is me generally

like always

i'm always the one dying with laughter

it's unreal

and the only reason i decided to share this

was because 

i saw a funny gif 

i think i'm just gonna go wipe my tears ;;


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OMG! I did this today in Spanish! I just sat there giggling like an idiot, clapping like a retarded seal. It was sad cause my crush was sitting RIGHT next to me, staring at me in amusement at my strangeness. *sigh*
You're not alone sweetie.
That actually happened to me all the time, it's gotten to the point where I accidently fart out loud and then my friends will judge me lol~