I need to be sleeping, but this story I'm working on...

I'm afraid of this story I'm writing. Like, I have no idea where these emotions are coming from. I know the ending but I'm not sure I can handle it. Is it really possible to feel this way for someone who essentially isn't real? Should I be able to connect this way to a character who I hope I never become? Most importantly, how did I get so emotionally connected to something that started out as a whimsical idea, a single scene that practically wrote itself, and has now become a major production. I feel like I'm exposing some secret part of myself that I didn't know existed. I don't want to be this girl but I find it way too easy to slip into her mind.


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yeah all that i have to say is pretty much covered by the comment down there. so i pretty much "liked" the previous comment from Llya Aegi
All the best writers give a piece of themselves in their writing. If you dont feel connected to you work, or you characters in some way, there is something wrong. And a lot of times, the things we least expect surprise us the most. Being able to slip into all different types of characters minds is a wonderful thing to have, even if it frightens you a bit.

When I write, there are times when I panic because I am slightly afraid that my readers will see the "me" in each of my stories because I am a part of everything I write. the good characters, the bad characters, the weird characters.

Good luck with your writing! FIGHTING! <3