Three Days Off!!! Movie Marathon and Book Reading

I usually have only 2 days off, but since the account I'm assigned to is a clinic in the states meant that when USA has a holiday, we have one too. YEHEY~! <3 I had no work because of Memorial Day, so I got 3 days consecutively off~!!!


So I used the time to read books, watch movies, play with phone games (I Love Coffee and Line Play, but then again, I do that everyday), even went shopping a bit and got to buy orange pants and a bathing suit since we're having a company summer outing (which is kind of late since it's not really summer anymore) this coming weekend.  I'll probably still wear a shirt and shorts on top of my bathing suit XD  but just in case, there'll be a guard or someone who'll tell me that shirts and shorts isn't allowed in the pool, then at least I would have a bathing suit underneath~ ^^;;  It's just a one-piece suit and the bottom part are like shorts itself~ I'm just really conscious with my body being chubbier these days so I prefer to wear something on it even though my bathing suit itself is already conservative enough ^^;;;


For the books...

Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan 

I finally got to finish reading the book~!!! I've got to say that it's really a unique and creative book.  I love the stories of some of the words in the so called dictionary.  The main characters? There's only "You" and "I".

Muscling Through by J.L. Merrow

Have I ever mentioned to you that J.L. Merrow is one of my favorite authors who writes gay/ books? *____*  This is another satisfying book from her.  I only got to read 3 books from her so far including this and I've got to say... I think the couple in this book had a lot of scenes from the previous books.  I guess it has something to do that the couple easily became a couple from the start which I, of course, had no problem with *___* 

Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett

I've just started reading a few pages of this and so far, I'm pretty okay with it.  Emo/Goth Girl + Nerd Guy and a Bet involved~ The plot might sound a common one but I'm looking forward to how the author wrote/portrayed the plot. 


As for the movies...


Cute animation movie! It was just really fun for me to watch.

Bourne Legacy

Finally got to watch this! Especially with Philippines being involved~ Loved the action scenes~ <3 

Cirque du Soleil

TOO AWESOME FOR WORDS!!! If you guys are into circus, you should totally watch this. It's so creative and there's also a plot involved too!!!   A movie without words~ but the costumes, acrobats, and choreography... omigosh.... too awesome~

The Impossible

True story based on a family from a Tsuname in Thailand.  This movie moved me so much. A few tears escaped my eyes when they finally reunited.  The kids in the movie were so damn cute too!!!

Man with The Iron Fists

BLOODY! It's gruesome and bloody~ lots of killing but hey, the action was really good~ ^^ I just felt a bit weird that the Asian people are talking in English~ XD but it sounds good and I liked it later on.

Jennifer's Body

What can I say? Megan Fox was hot!!!! Heck, I wasn't aware that Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried were going to have a bit of girl to girl action in this movie. Damn.. that was hot o_o  I actually found myself enjoying the movie though not as much as the previous ones I've mentioned but still pretty okay.

Movie 43

Totally weird and kind of funny.  Well, it's supposed to be comedy, but not really my cup of tea.  I don't really find myself laughing a lot or breathlessly like with Running Man and other kpop variety shows. I decided to finish watching it though. 

Pitch Perfect

What can I say? Perfect!!! Funny, some romance, friendship, and beautiful music! I wished the movie didn't have to end. I was kind of wanting more~


I got to watch EXO's dance practic with WOLF and got myself into writing a bit for the next chapter of Red Riding Hood Society but not much because I got stuck again became many scenes are playing in my mind again.  ^^;;  I kind of hate it when that happens @_@ I get confused~ Anyway, maybe I'll distract myself by writing a oneshot.  I feel like writing a oneshot~ BAP or EXO~ hmm...


I feel sad that my three days off are coming to an end.  Back to work tomorrow. Sigh~  I hope there won't be much jobs to do. I want to get home early and maybe watch another movie or write a fic.


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have you ever read alex flinn's books?
hae_ki #2
wow... chill kaau imo new area ron XD
AegyoJangmi #3
That's awesome! I spent my Memorial Day in a hot tub XD only my part of my work got the day off though. The people working at the greenhouse had to work still so the plants would get watered. What do you mean summer is over? It's still spring here DX