That incredible awesome moment when you meet someone, and she likes the same group as you ;___;

Since we've just moved to a new place, I needed to get friends. Because of this, my mom and stepfather decided to invite som friends of his that had a daughter about my age.


She was very talkactive.


We sat beside each other and chatted about everything. Also travelling. When she said that she wanted to go to Japan, I was like "ME TOO!" Then I found out that she liked manga and anime... 'Good start! I like Asia too!' I thought.


She was interested in classic music, so we went to my room to take a look at my violin:P After that she wanted to know what music Ilistened to. Asian music. Then she suddenly said that she actually liked Super Junior... And I ended up showing her EHB. She laughed. LOUDLY...! (yay!:D) And then we watched at least three episodes.____. Until she had to leave..


Seriously. This visit went totally not like expected! I do always imagine that the person I'll meet knows kpop, but I never actually expect them to. And to think that my stepfather is friends with her parents. It's an indescribable happy feeling! Especially the part about us hanging around the same I don't now the word....


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Kind-Hearted_Devil #1
If I were you, I would be happy too!! ^^
Yay! XD I get super excited when that happens too!