holiday ruined

Yes, my holiday is ruined. ruined ruined ruined.

And the blame is on ..... me.

     its another school holidays for two weeks. so, me and my family decided to visit this island for 4 days. eventually, my mom couldnt make it so, i went to tht island with my sis and my aut (and her family). i was fine, very very fine when i first got there. I enjoy my stay until the second day.

     That night, I was lying on the couch with my body shivering like hell. So, my aunt brought me to the nearest clinic. And I discovered that my body temperature had been 38.8C all day long. And also, i am suspected chicken pox :/ we planned to go island hopping the next day but since my condition is a bit bad, i had to go home with my sis. SHE ISNT HAPPY WITH THIS. she kept complaining about me being sick on a freaking holiday. I tried to defend myself, "You think i want to fall sick?" and she was like "Shut up. and just listen what people say" well, fine. i put my headphones on and let her talk.

     I mean, i know that she's upset but she shouldnt put ALL the blame on me. Its not like i WANT this chicken pox. its not like i PRAYED for this thing to happen. its not like i KNEW this could happen. It just happened. and i'm upset too. with my sick condition and with her pressuring me, it hurts. very much. she kept saying it up, dont try to be defensive but she kept complaining complaining and complaining. As the youngest in the family, i should be obedient or someways but i'm for god sake 15 years old. but they still treat me like i'm 10. when i tried to defend myself, they called it rude. what? i dont have the rights to defend myself? so, i should just give in and accept all those pressuring hurtful lectures? damn, what the heck is wrong with my life. i dont know what to do. Right now, i'm being isolated and tears just wont stop.


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Pfft stop blaming yourself, totally not your fault. Your sister should be grateful you're not dying at least.
Just try and focus on getting well :) happy thoughts, biases...; D
bunbunbunbunbunn #2
I understand how you feel... i feel that your sister is a lil harsh, since obviously you also want to enjoy your vacation.. i guess she was probably really looking forward to it and excited about it?
I dont think its your fault though.. dont blame it on your body either.. you cant control it..
my advice is just try to stay strong and try not to get too hurt over what they say.. (: